
Right To Bear Arms Essay

Decent Essays

Today in the United States there is an ongoing battle with gun policies. There is so much concern due to the fact of the mass shootings and terrorist events that have been occurring in the past few decades. Other than the mass shootings and terrorist events, there is also concern due to the crimes committed with guns. Such as, armed robberies, gang related activities, and other crimes involving guns. As U.S. American citizens we all have the right to bear arms as set forth by our forefathers in the Constitutional Amendments. There are things to consider when selling or purchasing a gun. Believing there are measures that need to be taken in order to prevent terrible events such as mass shootings or terrorist events, but is there really anything that can be done to prevent the crimes that are out on the streets daily involving guns? …show more content…

citizen to bear arms. Our right to bear arms can also be interpreted to our right to take away someone’s life. This has happened much in the past decades with the mass shootings that have happened mainly on school campuses, but let us not forget the public facilities either. Many people have been murdered or hurt, because the people who had the right to bear arms, decided to make the wrong choice and commit a haneous act. Can this be prevented? Many say yes, by implementing laws to make it harder to obtain a gun. Others say no, because this would be violating the Second Amendment. The fact is that these events are not the only ones that need to be paid serious attention to, but also that fact that innocent people are being killed by other people. Such, as in the cases of Travon Martin, Mike Brown, and others where civilians and policemen also have been

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