We say we are going to change, get fit, cut out bad habits and be better people all around. We are looking for ways to save money in many different ways. There is a simple way to save money, improve your health and the environment. With the average cost of operating a car estimated to be upwards, Ride-Sharing is a simple way to offset costs. The more people you share rides with, the more money you can expect to save. Check out all your monthly rides to see how much it really costs you and how much you could expect to save by Ride-Sharing. If you’re looking to improve your health and lower your stress levels, Ride-Sharing is ideal. Studies have shown that commuters who travel long distances and commute with others have lower levels of stress
During the challenge week, you log you entry on the car-free challenge website. Then everyday you're eligible for daily prizes and a grand prize. "We want people to think in terms of 'what if I try the transit bus or bike or share a ride'. Even that is something that is sustainable for the environment. For the active things like walking and biking, it's good for your health," explains Chemung County Transit Specialist, Tina Hager.
Safe Rides Unlimited is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization providing realistic alternatives to drunk and distracted driving since 2005.
Automakers are using car-sharing programs to simply offer a stress free alternative to car ownership. They enable drivers to use a car without the financial burdens. They also provide flexibility to the customer based the client’s need at the time. For those who cannot afford an automobile, Car-sharing service can offer flexibility of usage and also allows opportunities for customers to avoid late return fees by extending reservations, as when the driver might be stuck in a traffic jam and not be able to get the vehicle back on time. Unlike carpooling, car sharing gives me the independence to drive wherever and whenever I want, at a tiny fraction of the cost of owning a car. However like any other program car-sharing have disadvantages. The program is an affordable and reliable service, but that is part of the reason why it has many disadvantages such as the dealership running out of stock and competition from other companies who have initiated the program. The lower cost of the service could cause people to stop using their own vehicles and use car sharing instead. The car share companies are not growing fast enough to accommodate the sudden interest in the service could also prove to be a disadvantage. This options also allow clients to reserve vehicles unfortunately some people reserve them knowing they may not need it. This means that vehicles remain locked to people who genuinely need the services.
With innovation and the introduction of corporations to the Bay Area, there has always been a problem of a shortage of housing and property values rapidly increasing, and the introduction of Uber to the Bay would be no different. For Example, in 1849 the discovery of Gold in San Francisco brought many people to the area. With this influx in the population, there was an increase on price based on supply and demand so much so that “prices for everything skyrocketed: eggs were a dollar apiece … Land downtown was so valuable that people bought water lots - plots of land in the bay - and filled them in” (Solnit 6). Consequently, the Bay has always had a multitude of people and not enough land for them, causing real estate prices to skyrocket. The same can be sad if Uber was to be brought to Oakland. Oakland has been previously known as being far more affordable alternative to San Francisco (Document B).
Public transportation provides numerous positive attributes to the community at large. It enhances personal opportunities by providing personal mobility and freedom, gives people transportation options to get to work, go to school, visit friends, or go to a doctor’s office, provides access to job opportunities. It saves fuel and reduces congestion, provides economic opportunities and drives community growth and revitalization. Statistically, every $1 invested in public transportation generates approximately $4 in economic returns, every $10 million in capital investment in public transportation yields $30 million in increased business sales, every $10 million in operating investment yields $32 million in increased business sales, and from 2006-2011, residential property values performed 42 percent better on average if they were located near public transportation with high-frequency service. Public transportation saves money and reduces gasoline consumption. According to APTA’s transit saving report, a two-person household can save, on the average, more than $10,174 a year by downsizing to one car. Public transportation use in the United States saves 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline annually and households near public transit drive an average of 4,400 fewer miles than households with no access to public transit. Public transportation also reduces the carbon footprint in that its use
Watching “SpongeBob SquarePants” as a child made me realize that owning a vehicle is vital in order to get our desire destinations safely and punctual. There were numerous occasions where I found myself dependent on others. Though there are countless of bus stops I can use for transportation, I am not comfortable riding in one. Walking is another type transportation I took for school and work. However, a rainy day impedes a travel by foot. Additionally, riding my bicycle was another way I got around. My errands require extensive transportation on a daily basis. I did not want to be a burden any further. Luckily, I discovered Uber. I am pleased and relieved that I have discovered a reliable way to get to my destinations at a reasonable price.
Additionally, when I get my license this summer, I can provide carpooling services to others in my area. Not only will this reduce the carbon footprint of my entire neighborhood, it’ll also give a break for the parents.
Fast Rides Scary Rides 1. Superman 100 mph 1. Lex Luthor 415 feet high 2. Millennium Force 93 mph 2.Drop Tower 305 feet high 3.Intimidator 305 90 mph 3.Windseeker 300 feet high Water Rides Kid Rides 1. Taboo Tower 300 ft long 1.Magic Flyer 54 in to ride 2.
Bravo! You’ve somehow passed your background check and talked your way through the big interview. Now you’re an official Uber driver! From this day forward your pay depends on the amount of fares you get. To maximize your passengers, you need a perfect five-star rating on your Uber profile. Here is a list of ten tips to gain that perfect score:
I think that I should become a bus buddy because i’m a kind person and if someone was getting bullied I’d stand up for them. I show leadership because if someone was fooling around I’d tell them to stop. I’m almost always at school unless I’m sick. I want to help others because I don’t want people to get hurt or get in trouble. I will never abuse my power, I will only report when necessary. This is because, I am very responsible. If I am a bus buddy, I will feel very good about myself because I am helping our buses be a safe and friendly environment. I am never late to school. I don’t ever miss the bus. I do this by making sure I am outside, waiting for the bus at exactly 7:45 a.m each morning. I am a very reliable person. I always tell
Thank you so much for your support at Car Free Day. We are thrilled with the support we received towards Kids on Wheels, Streets for Everyone, and the BCCC. We were able to collect an overwhelming number of petition signatures and responses for the Streets for Everyone Survey.
For my self- improvement project, I’ve decided to designate it on saving money. No, I am not a compulsive spender, but I am certainly not perfect in that aspect. With how much revenue I’ve brought in the past few months, I definitely should have more money saved up than I do. I recognize that, so I’ve decided to test myself. I’m excited to be assigned this project, in hopes that I can save $300 a week.
Community Wheels will focus on providing one main service; transportation. Despite being limited to one service; the organization will go about providing this service in a variety of ways. As previously mentioned, Community Wheels will partner with Uber to provide rides; however, the organization will also attempt to make use of volunteer drivers. The partnership with Uber will entail clients requesting Uber for their transportation needs, with their payment being categorized by their level of income, requiring them to pay in-between 10% – 25% of their total trip cost (See the percentage breakdown for income in the Appendix C). The remaining balance will be paid by Community Wheels, and the partnering organization via a financial model in which Community Wheels bears a majority of the cost. Should the need for transportation be higher than the number of Uber vehicles available, volunteers from Community Wheels will drive the client. Unlike with Uber, Volunteers will not be paid by the rider, instead volunteers will be reimbursed for their mileage at the current government established rate. When using Volunteers, riders will not be responsible for any payment.
Money is a precious thing and it can become challenging to not spend it immediately after getting it. It is crucial that this does not happen. There is no denying that money is an important part of society. The world revolves around money and without it, one? would not be able to function. In everyday life the average household will spend one hundred and sixty dollars daily. It is safe to say that money is an resource used daily. It is a tool that can be used to connect with other people or buy anything a person could want or need. Yet it is easy to spend money without realizing how much is really being spent. With only a few simple tips it will become much easier to save money instead of spending it on frivolous things. One’s hard-earned dollar should be saved, and simple tips such as using cash instead of cards, saving small change and only purchasing what one really needs are a few of many ways of doing this. The power of money can easily be abused and it is very important to make sure that a person is well informed on ways to save and spend money wisely.
Traveling by car is definitely a plus the reason that is ,is because, its reliable .last year I remember my cousin had let me borrow her car for a while and my life was easier; I didn’t have to wake up so early like the usual time 5;30 ish 6 o’clock instead I would wake up around 7 and still be on time to school, because I had the car, not only was I able to get to school early I was able to monover around and run my errand much faster such as go to the grocery store ,hang out with some friends before it was time to go to work .However when I didn’t have the car it was back to “reality “and I had to get back into my old routines. Not to be closed minded although a