
Richard Cory's Refusal Of The Return

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Refusal of the return is completely different in all three works, yet they all connect in some way. Richard Cory’s refusal of the call is unknown but psychology says that the human brain orbits around a thought for days, weeks, or even months because it accepts suicide which brings the conclusion that Mr.Cory must have refused death at least once in his life before he decided he had enough loneliness in his heart. The environment in which Christopher is in cause him to refuse his return because the currents were too high to cross back to civilization. Lastly, Meursault refuses the return when he prefers to stay in jail then to come out of jail and be a free man with Marie. Additionally, there is the magic flight which bring the heroes closer to their destiny. Richard Cory’s magic flight is when he walks into his luxury house and walks towards his gun because that would be when he is taking flight to his real adventure. For McCandless it is when he begins to catch prey and actually has decent meals which begin to recuperate his body. The magic flight for Meursault would be when he is sitting in his sell and he accepts society and the flaws of the world as well as his. …show more content…

For McCandless, his rescue came too late and he was found dead but he was still rescued and had a proper burial. For Richard Cory, his rescue was himself. He was tired of the feelings he had due to a lack of emotional wealth so he rescued himself and ended the

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