
Rhetorical Devices In Advertising Essay

Decent Essays

Advertising is something we see throughout our lives, sometimes without even knowing it. The issue is that some are so small that we don’t even know we’re being told what to buy. Simple placement of branding in our favorite movies and tv shows gives us a bias for that product already. Companies know how to use many rhetorical devices to play towards our emotions and thought processes to make us more apt to try their specific product over the competitor. Sometimes, the devices used in ads are so small and hidden that we do not even see them, but they still affect the way we think and even see some things. Through logos, pathos, and ethos, advertisements change the way we think and feel about their products.
This specific advertisement is for several new models of the Prius. …show more content…

However, in their video ads there is a lot more information that leads to the company’s credibility. There was one ad that compares the prices and optional attachments that are only offered by the Prius company. By showing the customers that Toyota offers the lower price for a similar car, they may feel more apt to trust the company and believe they’re being truthful and not hiding a insidious agenda from the customers. Also, by showing their safety features, only offered by Toyota, the customers feel the company to be even more credible and honest. The customers will believe other things the company is advertising and saying because they’re able to actually see how this company is more trustworthy than others may be.
In conclusion, companies use advertisements for every product, in a multitude of different ways; to create different responses. Whether someone is more believing in logical data. an emotional connection, or feeling they can trust the company; Toyota’s Prius ads cover all the bases. To be effective, any company must do the same; and provide different visual and logical experiences to target every type of

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