
Rhetorical Analysis

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Two major governmental systems that Larry Diamond asserts to be anti-democratic are “oil states” and “predatory societies.” According to Diamond, both of these have the potential to lead to overbearing leaders who take away basic human and civil rights. When evaluating these types of states he specifically turns his attention to Nigeria, Venezuela, and the Philippines. In order to prove his point that not all poor countries are inherently bound to have governments that hinder the development and spread of democracy, he looks at India, a nation that is relatively poor but has still managed to maintain a fairly high level of democracy. According to Diamond, oil-states can be generally defined as countries whose economies are dominated by oil. Among “the twenty-three countries whose economies are most dominated by oil today, not a single one of them is a democracy. (Diamond 74)” When oil initially becomes a large source of revenue for countries, negative effects immediately occur. One major reason for this is that when an economy is dominated by …show more content…

Since people at the top of society only care about their own personal gain, they do not worry about improving the economy as a whole. As previously mentioned, economic growth often makes the transition to democracy much easier. The first nation that Diamond uses to exemplify his points on these issues is Venezuela. This is a country in which freedom and competition have been completely eliminated by an authoritarian regime. In the 1960s and 70s, economic growth resulting from oil revenue sustained democracy. However, when the price of oil fell dramatically in the 1980s, living standards and economic prospects dropped across the entire nation. When oil prices went back up, this gave the president (Hugo Chavez) way to much power, and he was able to censor the media in order to assure that he stayed in

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