
Middle Class Inequality

Decent Essays

Literature Review This project wishes two evaluate if inequality and a declining middle class are the causes of deconsolidation in established democracies. This, however, is no simple task due to the relatively rare nature of democratic breakdown. Given this, some would argue, why should we study such a topic at all? The purpose is twofold. First, the assumption that any regime is permanent or fixed would be to ignore historical trends from the fall of Athenian democracy to the unforeseen collapse of the Soviet Union by most scholars. That is, that an idea of permanence to some extent may be necessarily misguided. Secondly, by examining sources of deconsolidation scholars may be able to identify ways to prevent deconsolidation. The development …show more content…

In a much more recent analysis, Christian Houle’s research Inequality in Democracy which tests Boix’s conclusions finds that while inequality may not after all effect the ability of a country to democratize in the first place, it can drive the breakdown of democracy (Houle 2009). He also states that “Furthermore, not only does inequality promote coups, it also leads to the erosion of the quality of democratic institutions. When inequality is high the elites have more incentives to buy off politicians or to limit participation, and more generally to bias the political institutions toward themselves” (Houle …show more content…

In a recent article Foa and Mounk urge the need to look at deconsolidation seriously – rather than as one way street as described by former scholars. Particularly as they analyze the rising dissatisfaction with democracy across the world. World values survey and other data indicate that, especially among younger people, there is less belief in liberal democracy and democratic institutions (Foa and Mounk 2017). Francis Fukuyama warns that current economic and social trends threaten the future of liberal democracies and undermines democratic ideology, namely inequality and the shrinking middle class (Fukuyama

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