
Research Paper On Harry Harry Harlow

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Harry Harlow
Harry Frederick Harlow was probably best known for his experimentations on monkeys to discover the effect of maternal-separation, what exactly were the dependency needs on a living being, and experiments in social isolation for the subject. His research showed the rest of society the importance of companionship and caregiving to social as well as cognitive development. Speculators believe that part of the reason Harlow was so obsessed with these kinds of studies was because he didn’t have a very good childhood himself. Even at an early age, he claimed to struggle with depression. His mother and father weren’t extremely involved in his life as well. This possibly led him to gain so much interest in the study of essentially love and how it effected other people that you may be close with.
At the time, it was said that love began as a feeding bond with the mother and applied by extension to other family members. Other theories claimed that humans and other social animals lived in organized societies simply to help with sexual contact. Starting in 1957, Harlow worked with rhesus monkeys. The reason behind why he chose this specific type of breed was because the monkeys that they were utilizing were more mature at birth than humans, but like human babies show a range of emotions and needed to be nursed. During the experimentations, he took infant monkeys away from their real mothers and gave them instead two artificial mothers. One of the models were made

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