
Research Paper On Excelsiors

Decent Essays

Over the past few years’ lanterns have enlarged their interested parties in regards to weddings and anniversaries, Parties, graduation parties, memorials, BBQ, reunions, picnics, beach and concert venues. However, with all things come some sort of risk. I oversee quality assurance and risk analysis at Lanterns R Us, the world’s foremost provider of high quality lanterns. Lanterns R Us latest design, The Excelsior, projects to be hugely profitable and to improve the quality of life of untold numbers of lantern enthusiasts. However, 1 out of every 10,000 Excelsiors is a catastrophic failure, dangerously overheating and sometimes catching fire. The lantern failures could result in serious property damage, injuries, or death. Although there is a chance for failure, I believe the risks outweigh the consequences if the public is properly warned. We live in a dangerous world where random accidents happen every day. There are far worse risks from swimming, driving a car, or even different health risks. Over one’s lifetime the chances of being killed by drowning are 1 in 1,134, killed by a car accident (1 in 84), killed by a stroke (1 in 24), …show more content…

These directions include; “never fly sky lanterns when there is any noticeable wind present. Only launch sky lanterns in windless conditions. Wind will collapse the sides of the sky lantern in which forces the hot air out. When this occurs the sky lantern does not have enough hot air in it to rise. It can then fall back to the earth, possibly starting a fire. Wind may also blow the sky lantern sideways instead of up, which can possibly start a fire. Be careful and please use common sense” (Skylanterns). Even on the directions the company gives advice on specific types of lanterns, such as only using flame retardant treated paper. The reason for using flame retardant paper is because the paper may char, but it will not catch on

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