
Research Paper On Condensed Milk

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Condensed milk Condensed milk is cow's milk from which water has been removed. It is most often found in the form of sweetened condensed milk (SCM), with sugar added, and the two terms "condensed milk" and "sweetened condensed milk" are often used synonymously today. Sweetened condensed milk is a very thick, sweet product which when canned can last for years without refrigeration if unopened. Condensed milk is used in numerous dessert dishes in many countries. Condensed milk is used in recipes for the popular Brazilian candy brigadeiro (where condensed milk is the main ingredient), key lime pie, caramel candies, and other desserts. When a can of sweetened condensed milk is completely covered (at all times) by water, and once it starts to boil …show more content…

The cows must be free of tuberculosis, brucellosis and mastitis. The contaminated raw milk or products prepared with raw milk (especially white cheese and yellow type cheddar) can transmit illnesses, such as: brucellosis, tuberculosis leptópirosis, etc.) These bacteria that produce these illnesses are destroyed by the pasteurization, nevertheless there exist vines of staphylococcuses that produce enteretoxines resistant thermos flask and are diarrheal causers. Factors of composition: The most important components of the milk must be essential targets on any market of dairy products (protein, fat, lactose, mineral salt and vitamins). The milk is a nourishing product, it possesses more than 100 substances that are already be in suspension, solution or emulsion in water. The composition of the milk depends on several factors: The race, epoch of lactation, production level. The mastitis and the adulteration modify the components of him milk. Hygienic …show more content…

Sampling of milk • A representative sample is essential for accurate testing. • Milk must be mixed thoroughly prior to sampling and analysis to ensure a representative sample. • If the volume of milk is small, the milk may be poured from one bucket to another and a small sample is of milk is taken immediately. • If large volumes are handled, the milk must be mixed by stirring. Small samples are taken from three or more places in the container. • For best results, milk must be sampled when it is at a temperature between 15 and 32 degrees Celsius. • Types of Quality Analysers of milk: • Milk Oscan FT120 (composition analysis of milk) • Very user friendly • Routine operation takes place from one single screen picture, sample can be analysed without pre - heating and data are stored automatically. • Low cost per sample analysed. • Bacto Scan FC (Microbiology analysis of milk) • Fossomatic FC (Somatic cells analysis of milk) How to present to customers Ingredients powdered lactose crystals 40% Sugar Weight of total milk solids 28% weight of Milk

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