
Research Paper On Canoeing

Decent Essays

I looked at the canoe and saw that there is rather small crack and a little duck tape should solve the problem. I reach into my duffle bag and find a roll of duck tape and towel and begin to tape the canoe. I laid tape in all directions on both sides in multiple layers. I put the canoe back in the water to see if it will float.
With all the gear the canoe seemed to float and I slowly stepped in making sure no water enters from the bottom. After waiting a few minutes with no issues I put a lifejacket on incase I sink. There seemed to be no issues as I paddled on. A lot of items are wet, but I can dry them out later when I get to my campsite.
After a few hours of padding around the lake I came up on the campsite where I will be staying. I paddle …show more content…

I pushed off from shore and surveyed the area of where I wanted to fish first. I paddled down stream while trolling a small silver speckled lure behind me. I noticed a down tree and paddled in that direction.
I casted along the log hopping to snag a nice walleye for dinner so after a few casts and not having any bites I decided to go fish somewhere else. I paddled along the shore taking in the beauty of this day. I paddled along and felt my fishing line yank backwards. I placed my paddle in the canoe and took both hands to hold the rod. I started to reel the line in and the fish began to fight.
I reeled harder and harder until I could see the fish next to my canoe. I grabbed the net and brought the fish into my canoe. It was a dandy fish that will be delicious for dinner. I canoed for a few more hours without catching much.
I returned to camp to gather firewood and take afternoon nap. When I got back to camp I began making a few sandwiches for lunch. They were very tasty and hit the spot. After lunch I took a nap in my hammock by the lake. It was very relaxing and …show more content…

Once the fire got hot and the walleye was cleaned I placed the walleye in a tinfoil bowl with lemon juice and garlic. After letting it cook for a few minutes I took it out to taste it. It was some of the best fish I have ever tasted and can not wait to catch more.
After dinner did the dishes and sat by the campfire. I heard owls in the distance and even the howl of a wolf. I am thankful that I got an opportunity to come here and spent with just myself.
I miss spending time with my family but I know that I will see them soon enough. My eyes began to get heavy and I decided to go to bed. I crawled into my warm and cozy sleeping bag and fell asleep. I woke up to a woodpecker pecking a hole into a near by tree. My body was stiff from hauling wood the night before. I unzipped the tent and felt the warm morning sun on my face. I walked to the fire pit and started a small fire.
I made a warm bowl of oatmeal with fresh blueberries once again. The warm flavor melted in my mouth and gave me the energy to continue my day. I ran down to the lake to get fresh water to boil for clean drinking

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