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Case Study: Sergio Marchionne
What are the observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions associated with Chrysler’s culture?
An observable artifact is defined as the physical manifestations of an organization. These artifacts can include a company’s dress code, stories about the company, and rituals within the company (Kreitner & Kinicki, A.2013). The main observable artifact that Chrysler had, and the reason Mr. Marchionne was in distress was about, was the way manager Fong doubled rebates in order to make profit from the dealership sales. This approach was part of the culture that led the company to diminished lucrativeness. Another observable artifact came with the changes Mr. Marchionne implemented, such as his …show more content…

Once Mr. Marchoinne began making changes at Chrysler everyone felt his control and authority because of the way he employed his methods.
Would you like to work at Chrysler? Explain your rationale.
I believe Chrysler would be a great organization to work for because Mr. Marchoinne’s passion and work ethic make Chrysler an exceptional organization to be a part of. To see the top guy work seven days a week and have 5 cell phones is amazing to me. I think this type of attitude will trickle down to the workforce and can only lead to a greater success of Chrysler.
I believe Chrysler would be a great organization to work for because Mr. Marchoinne’s passion and work ethic make Chrysler an exceptional organization to be a part of. To see the top executive have such dedicated devotion and passion for his profession inspire me. He was brilliant and was able to dedicate seven workdays a week to this corporation. It is both amusing and amazing how he could manage 5 separate cell phone lines while doing this. I believe that this type of dedication, fortitude, and attitude will trickle down to the workforce. This type of leadership may lead others to continue expanding on the success of Chrysler.

Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational Behavior. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Fiat Chief

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