
Rescue During The Holocaust Essay

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The dictionary definition of “rescue” is to save someone from a harmful, dangerous, or violent situation. This perfectly describes rescue during the holocaust because many people were being saved during a very harmful, dangerous, and violent event. Rescue was a very critical part of the holocaust that people need to learn about the importance and the examples of rescue during the holocaust. There were a few key parts of holocaust rescue: dangers of rescue, famous and less famous rescues, specific details of rescues, and persecution of rescuers. The holocaust was a terrible event that showed how some humans can be violent and cruel. It also though showed how humans can also be great, helpful and safe lives in life-taking situations. Rescue during the holocaust was a very critical point of the holocaust because of famous attempts and dangers that were overcome.
Basic Rescue Details
Rescue was a critical part of the holocaust …show more content…

Some survivors survived not by being rescued but by being hidden (Dornsife).“Rescue activities involved seemingly simple acts, such as finding and securing hiding places for families, and more complex activities, such as negotiating with German cadres for prisoner exchanges.” “While many aid providers were individuals, operating independently, there are numerous examples of organized rescue during the Holocaust. Religious groups, political and resistance groups, and even neighborhoods and villages formed networks that worked together to save Jewish people in their communities” (Dornsife). Many rescue attempts included national embassies, “diplomats in countries throughout Europe helped Jews escape persecution by issuing visas and other travel paperwork that allowed Jewish citizens to flee Nazi-occupied territory” (Dornsife). This reinforces the idea that rescue attempts could be very different from one another even through in the end the meaning was the

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