
Religion in My Life

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Religion is everywhere, even if we don’t notice it. Some common elements of religion include group activities, morals, actions, and rituals. It may not seem like it, but those factors in religion are involved in our everyday life, including mine. After learning more about religion, I am starting to realize how much it actually affects me daily. When it comes to group activities, I tend to get involved in them at school. Every now and then one of my professors assign me into a group in order to do a project or presentation. The same goes for sports. If I’m ever playing soccer, I am put into a team so I can participate in a game. When it comes to people in a religion, they tend to participate in some group activities as well. This …show more content…

The reason I make promises to people is usually because they have once helped me in an extraordinary way, and making a promise to them is a way to show my gratitude. The more helpful someone is to me, the larger the promise I am willing to make. Another thing I do every now and then is pray. I always pray for one of two reasons, either I want something, or I am thanking God. These are rare moments, mostly because I’m not very religious. When it comes to asking God for something it is never for petty reasons. I pray usually out of fear. When it gets to a point in my life where something has frightened me to a point where I need immediate help, I turn to God. Maybe once every three months, I have a panic attack that I cannot control. These panic attacks cause me a lot of pain and so I pray to God to make the pain cease. After that I usually calm down, but I don’t always pray for myself. I also pray for my family when they are in need of assistance, whether it’s for finances or maybe a serious injury. For example, I remember when my older sister went to the hospital because her appendix erupted, I immediately prayed for her safety. Every time my prayers are heard I always thank God for aiding me in my time of need. Now for rituals, I feel like almost everything I do is part of my daily ritual. I, for the most part, have a daily routine.

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