
Similarities Between Egyptian And Greek Religion

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In the ancient world, society was driven by religious ideals and ways of thinking, just as it often still is today. Though many religions bear the similarities of following gods or a god and worshiping them, they often hold many differences as well. By taking a look into Egyptian, Hebrew, and Greek religions, the same thought stands where, though they may have a few similarities, they also hold remarkable differences.

The Egyptian religion follows many gods; therefore, it is a polytheistic faith. In this religion, it is customary to pray to a god that symbolizes what it is one wants. If someone wanted their crops to prosper, they would likely pray to a river or land deity. As one jumps further into this religion, they see the importance of prayer and confession. "The Egyptian Negative Confession," is a list of good things that a man has done, which he admits to the goddesses of truth after he dies, which shows the importance of faith to the Egyptians, even after death. In this culture, it was also believed that the god Osiris brought civilization to Egypt, showing that the people believed they were brought for a reason by …show more content…

Their religion is also polytheistic, and they pray and give sacrifices to the gods of what they need. If they wanted wisdom, they might pray and make sacrifices to the goddess Athena, or if they wanted glory in war, they might pray and make sacrifices to the god of war, Ares. Just as it is in Egyptian culture, religion was central to everyday life in Greek culture, and many of the people in Greece believed that their gods created the world and ruled over things such as the sky, the underworld, and the sea. In Virgil's The Aeneid, which is Roman, gods are mentioned and believed to be behind every event that happens. Characters in this story are driven by fate and their wish to obey what the gods want. Religion in this culture is central to everything and drives

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