
Religion Toolkit Response By John Morreall And Tamara Sonn

Decent Essays

Religion Toolkit Response
p. 1-14

The introduction to The Religion Toolkit: A Complete Guide to Religious Studies by John Morreall and Tamara Sonn establishes the basic purposes behind studying religion. It tries to show its readers that religion may be a much broader and undefined topic than they might be expecting. The Religion Toolkit discusses how the academic study of religion differs from the normative study of religion, how religion is not clearly described, and how Religious Studies compares and contrasts religions against each other.

Growing up in a religion is different than learning about multiple religions objectively. This is a point that well made by Morreall and Sonn. Though the early pages of the book are vague when …show more content…

For instance, many scholars disagree on what constitutes a religion. If languages do have a word for religion, their meanings can vary and be specific to their religion. As mentioned above, the book rectifies several of the expectations Western traditions might have about how religion is defined because of their understanding of it. This does an excellent job of proving how unclear religion as a concept can be. What one person considers religion might not ever have be considered religion by someone from another religion, despite any commonalities the religions might have. One thing this argument is lacking is the acknowledgment that Religious Studies started from a strictly Christian perspective, but otherwise it is effective.

A final point The Religion Toolkit makes about Religious Studies is that it is also about looking at religions complexly, from both contrasting and historical viewpoints. That is to say, Religious Studies involves looking how religions developed over time and from each other. One of the more compelling examples talks about how the word for the Christian holiday “Easter” is taken from an Anglo-Saxon goddess called “Eostre.” This shows how religious traditions did not flourish independent of each other, but interacted with each other even before globalization. The introduction features a quote from Max Müller who coined the term “Religious Studies” that best described this idea about studying religions comprehensively, “He who

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