
Relevant Theories That Pertain To Dick's Life

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I. Pre-Interview Preparation: Two Relevant Things The 1940s were a time of uncertainty and relief for many Americans due to the nation’s participation in the Second World War. Americans were on edge and in battle up until 1945, when the war ceased, and then everything became calm. During this time, my elder would have been in his middle childhood, probably too small to realize that the United States had been in war and n

II. The Interview Process I decided to interview a good friend of mine, Dick Maw, whom I volunteer with at Wellspring Women’s Center in Sacramento. I asked him in advance if I could interview him a week before I did, since we only volunteer on Friday mornings, which he agreed to instantly and said he would be looking forward …show more content…

Three Relevant Theories The three most relevant theories that pertain to Dick’s life are Rational Choice, Humanistic, and Activity Theory. Rational Choice Theory relates more to his younger and middle adulthood when he was trying to find out where he thought he belonged in life. The Humanistic and Activity Theories are associated with Dick’s later and older adulthood years where he’s taken a step back and analyzed the meaning of his life. All three of these theories can shed light on Dick’s years of adulthood and help us understand certain events, circumstances, and actions of his …show more content…

This perspective emphasizes that people are not necessarily products of their environment or their childhoods, but instead, people are driven by a desire to grow which makes possible small or radical changes (Hutchison). The Humanistic Theory is applicable to Dick’s middle adulthood when he set out to start his own business from the ground up. He described this choice as one of the hardest things he’d even done, because what was a crazy idea then, had to work out for him. Dick worked as an insurance broker for several different companies after he graduated from college, and he loved his job and truly enjoyed what he was doing. Even though this is all true, he knew he would be truly happy if he started his own business and became his own boss, and that is exactly what he did. He shared with me that he and his wife, Paula, were the only two employees for many years in his company, but there were also people that questioned his ambitious decision. Dick confided to me that his parents were skeptical about his choices, so much so that they almost had a heart attack when they learned that he had quit his job to venture off on his own. Dick got teary-eyed when he told me that, and he shared what his father asked him a couple of years after successfully seeing his company. His father asked him what Dick would have done if his business wouldn’t have worked

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