
Relationship Between Branding And Marketing Mix

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The literature review is used to serve the authors’ under planning business idea MuChat. MuChat is a mobile social networking APP which is based on music preference. The users can find and communicated with surrounding people who is hearing the same music. In order to achieve best practice for branding and promoting the start-up internet business, at the beginning of the literature review, some researches about brand and brand management will be reviewed. Next, the relationship between branding and marketing mix will be discussed. Furthermore, the theoretical framework of marketing communication will be built up. Finally, some recent research about social media and public relations will be discussed.
The definition and importance of brand has been discussed by many scholars. Kotler (2006:334) defined Brand as ‘a name, term, symbol or design which helps the sellers to differentiate its products and services from its competitors’. Duncan (2008:70) claimed that a brand is a perception of a company or a line of products and services which is result from the experience and information. About the importance of brand management, Groucutt (2005:120) stated effective brand management can help a company gain and sustain competitive advantages. According to branding; the corporation can obtain legal protection through copyright, trademarks and patents. In addition, the company can also add value to its product and services. Furthermore, a brand can help the company to differentiate its

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