Reincarnation, teleportation, and combination.
Weird words put together, but if you think not much deeply then you would understand why…well it wasn’t really that much important.
What I’m talking about is travelling to another world…that cliché starting that multiple novels started at giving people, the protagonists, a new start, a new adventure.
It practically gives people the hope that things would change, and things would be better.
Meeting a princess, defeating the demon lord, meeting nice people, becoming great, having a harem…all of them were possible if one were to have certain qualities, and of course cheat powers.
Dying in either a horrible incident or even being in a deplorable incident, being suddenly teleported when you wake up or any other incident where you were just standing.
Those were the ways one would be teleported to another world either meeting god or not and then finally being granted by the powers that can turn over the world then being teleported to another.
Well, enough of that complicated talk…after all I only want a simple life, yes as simple as that of the protagonist of an another world travel novel, and now…
“You seem to be really surprised about this, huh…how weird, I thought that humans would be more surprised seeing this room and hearing what I said…”
A man in his 60s…an incredibly dandy man who would be an ikemen whom I would beat up without even thinking twice was in front of me sitting in one of the four sofas that was around the
“Really Luke, you didn’t seem the type to be afraid of clowns?” I say as we walk through the clown room
She opens her mouth to say something but all she can manage is a choked sputter of, "No, I didn't...wait-"
One needs to imagine their favorite book or movie. Now they must think, does this story contain a main character who leaves his normal reality, faces trials or hardships while in this unfamiliar land, and eventually return to their original grounds? The answer is most likely yes. This is due to Joseph Campbell’s realization of what hero’s or other characters almost always go through while being seen in tale or story. This is seen as the hero’s journey, in which there are steps that one could place in certain spots to parallel pretty much any reading or movie they want. One example of this is seen through the movie 10 Cloverfield Lane. This is the adventure of a young woman, Michelle, who leaves her husband and while
Joseph Campbell has a theory called The Hero’s Journey in where an individual is shown in a mundane world, called to an adventure, and goes on the adventure. In the adventure, the individual goes on the path of trials that consisting of making new friends, new mentors, new enemies, facing new challenges, gaining new skills, and new knowledge. When the individual comes back to their mundane world, they are the master of two worlds through their new experiences they've gained in the adventure. The Hero’s Journey has been repeated in literature and films through many years: two examples that have The Hero’s Journey are the films, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
The use of a journey narrative as both an archetypal plot device, and a technique that facilitates and informs character development, is an enduring literary trope, likely as old as literature itself. The mere fact that journey narratives have persisted in literature, without inherently being regarded as overused, outdated, or clichéd, is indicative of the impact and influence this technique has when executed effectively. Additionally, this is testament to its adaptability, and capacity to complement and integrate within various styles and genres. Conventional journey narratives often follow a basic structure, contributing to reader expectation that a vast, far-reaching journey should be inherently reflected by vast emotional progress, and
My spookiest experience was when i went into sleep paralysis at night. I was laying on my back and saw a view of my whole room, but i couldn't move. D
Examining the latter half of the 1800s with the assistance from the works of Elliot West, Joy Kasson, and Frederick Jackson Turner, the United States transformed into a settled and dominant nation which signaled the end of the frontier in 1890. From land disputes to reenactments of infamous battles for nostalgia purposes, the West had become a more modern civilization that emanated power. Although these three works provide a precise timeline from the Indian wars all the way to the closing of the frontier, they do not argue the same thing. The unique interpretations of the history of the American West is perceived by the authors in what they believed to be the beginning of the West as it is known today.
The definition of a journey is: “A traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time.” ( However, most modern novels have characters that go through emotional or mental journeys that serve as the main plot for their story, thus contradicting the meaning of the word “journey”. In older works of literature such as The Odyssey by Homer and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, it is more common for the protagonists to step into physical journeys that are often made to signify an important lesson or meaning by the end of the novel. Factors such as symbols, themes, and character change plays a role in helping the characters along on their adventures and adds to the connotation of the whole story.
"Maybe they have the wrong person," you thought, until they started pointing behind you. You slowly turned around and gasped at what you
It convinces the common people of the importance of life and makes them aware of the consequences that come from small and simple choices they make every day.
death among my peers. It is something that has never left me. I still think about this event every
Two books can seem completely different from each other when judged by characteristics such as genre, plot, and theme. However, if people were to look at the books together and as a whole, they might notice one striking similarity between the two. That striking similarity is known as the hero’s journey. First observed and documented by Joseph Campbell, the hero’s journey is a concept in which heroes, or people who commit actions for the greater good, follow a three-step cycle known as departure, fulfillment, and return. At the first stage of the hero’s journey, the hero receives a call to an adventure that takes him from the comforts of his home. Next, at the most important stage of the hero’s journey, the hero begins to experience life
promotes the good at the end even if the actions taken are not the best one or good at all. It promotes the grates benefits for the most persons involve in the situation.
“Yes.” she answered blankly. At first sight, the man standing in front of her wasn’t impressive, nor a surprise.
“What’s going on? Why is it so… peaceful out here? Don’t these people talk, laugh, cough, somethin’?!” Leslie asked aggravated.