
Register Nurse Socialization

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My journey to grow into a professional register nurse is becoming a reality. I have been working all my life to accomplish this goal. However, as I have learned during my reading and research there is a lot more to becoming a professional nurse then just obtaining the title of RN and there is an extensive difference between a RN and LPN that I will discuss in more detail in the second half of this paper. In the meantime let me emphasize the first half of this paper. I am asked to define professional socialization and then summarize the four stages of the process of professional socialization with a rationale, when I read this I just say how, that sounds impossible and then again it just means I am one step closer to learning to be a professional register nurse. On the other hand, to really grow I must examine myself to identify the two barriers that could interfere with me accomplishing the fourth stage of …show more content…

Firstly, let us find out what the criteria is for a profession. To have a profession it is generally a field of study that you would require specialized training, for example have a special license to do the required job. As a result this is not just a job but a passion and a career choice. Furthermore, in a profession a code of ethics or standards is in place, and has a professional organization that establishes guidelines like for example for nurses the ANA sets the standards of care (p27). Therefore, is a RN a professional? Professional is defined as person who has completed an extended study at an establishment of higher educational learning and considers their permanent path as a passion and a career choice (p.28). Therefore, the career choice of a RN is considered professional. Due to these circumstances, the RN falls into both of these categories and has met the criteria as professional as noted

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