
Reflective Essay On Being A Jewish

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Camp is like a bubble, the outside world does not exist for two months of every year. Unlike the real world, Camp Pembroke, an all girl’s Jewish overnight camp, is a place where young girls can develop not only self-confidence but also character in a setting that is free of the social pressures. Being at camp has shaped me into the individual I have become by giving me the chance to meet my closest friends. Growing up at camp has been the most inspirational part of my life. Camp provides a sense of community that only those that are part of it will truly comprehend. I have learned new things, met new people and celebrated and learned Jewish values. At the age of nine, I went away to camp for the first time not knowing what it would be like. Almost immediately, I met my first camp friend. Our bond quickly grew strong within days. At night we would sit, giggling on the top bunk of her bed. The summers flew by, my bond to camp greatly grew and I began to treasure the many memories created. As we aged, there was more appreciation for the special place camp is. In the blink of an eye, my last summer as a camper approached. I took on a five-week journey through Israel with my …show more content…

It is more about the community there is between Jews, which is hard for others to comprehend. Living in a town with a very small Jewish population leads to a lot of questions about the religion itself. I am often asked what I believe in and what I do at home that is “Jewish” and my response is camp. Camp has taught me that the community created between Jews is truly something special and you do not need to believe in something specific to feel as though you are a part of this community. Community is evident in all Jewish activities practiced at camp, filling Camp Pembroke with energy and spirit. Being with people who practice what you believe in creates a strong connection spiritually and

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