
Reflective Essay: My First Joining The Cross Country Team

Decent Essays

When I first joined the Cross Country team at the end of eighth grade, I did not realize I would not only acquire running and athletic skills, but skills for life. I expected a challenge, but hoped it would give me the opportunity to grow in character. In order to improve, I needed to persevere physically and mentally. With each step, I am that much closer to the finish line. In a way, life parallels a Cross Country race. There can be uphill battles and the finish line can feel like miles away. In other aspects of my high school career, I have faced similar challenges. Good grades require hard work and time. When it does not go as anticipated, regroup, learn, and persist. Despite difficult times, one must be sure to overcome anything.
On my first day of practice, I met with the coach Brian Rodak. He had trained some of the top 5k runners in the county at …show more content…

We all support and motivate each other through the difficult times. About a week into my season, I had still only ran with other eighth graders, but my coach believed I could handle more. After we finished a mile warm up on the track, Couch Rodak began selecting the groups for the workout. “Ward, Grippo, LaSpina…” He then turned towards me with his big blue eyes and mustached face. “Amiaga.” Then marked the first time of working out with varsity runners. I thought I misheard my coach, when he placed me in that group. They would likely drop me in the first mile. He selected us for a five-mile run, but the many hills of Franklin Lakes and Oakland made it feel much longer. We started off at a fairly even pace, but would gradually increase in speed closer to a 7 minute per mile pace. As a newcomer, I felt overwhelmed, but I put my mind to it. Once we got into our second and third mile, I was already gasping for air. However, I locked on to the man in front of me and refused to fall behind. My legs became heavier with every step I took.

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