
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

By the age of seven, I was sick of school and I wanted out by any means. I went Dorsa elementary school, a local school in East Side San Jose. Coming from a Latino background, I was at a disadvantage because English was not my first language. So to fix this, the principal, Mrs. Rodriguez, decided to have an after school program which was meant to keep non native-english speakers for one to two hours after school. Being in class was hard enough because I didn’t understand what the teachers were saying, or let alone care. I used to sit in the back of the small classroom, staring at the whiteboard or wall, dazed into space. My hands were usually underneath the table and sometimes I would doodle on my class assignments. This would end up with me getting lectures after class. After each long, boring day, I was forced to stay behind. I used to line up on the blacktop with a group of non native speakers and a group of teachers would walk us to a random classroom. When I arrived in a classroom, the teachers would tell us to take a book from the bookshelf. We started out by learning the alphabet, then we used the letters to create words. With those words, we would have to pronounce them to the best of our ability. After that, the teachers would give us binder paper and crayons. The book was used to teach us how to write and read. Me along with other students would copy each page of a book word for word, while slowly reading each word. This made me feel depressed after a good

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