
Reflection Paper On The Afterlife

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There are so many ways of looking at the afterlife. Every religion has its own views and even within those religions there are different groups with their own perspectives. I chose to read a little more about the beliefs of Judaism because I have not had much experience with that religion in my life. I am hoping to see if I can apply any of my ideals as a Catholic to their beliefs and possibly agree with them. I would like to present my opinions on these beliefs as I summarize the article. As a background, I believe that there is an afterlife and I support most Christian views of heaven and hell. This is mainly because of the close family that I have lost over the years. Regardless of my scientific thought process, I refuse to believe that my grandparents are just simply dead. Anytime that there are references to help prove something, it …show more content…

It is believed that resurrection does not happen all at one time. Instead, it happens many more times as part of a process for mending the world. This is not necessarily the belief of all people in the religion. Like other ideas, there are even differences in beliefs of reincarnation itself. Some say that it would likely happen to anyone on a routine basis and all that you would need to do is live a good life. In other cases, it seems like the beginning of a modern ghost story. It’s believed that reincarnation would only take place if the soul had some sort of unfinished business to attend to. I am not sure what sort of unfinished business that these souls would have. My only idea, would be some sort of closure needed from a living loved one. Another reason that I do not believe in reincarnation is that animals would act very different if they were being possessed by the souls of those that have already passed away. Plants would not be likely recipients of reincarnated souls in my opinion, especially if they are only being reincarnated for unfinished

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