
Afterlife Beliefs

Decent Essays

Afterlife Though many have the some of the same teachings, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity all have different afterlife's. I will start of first with the afterlife of Hinduism, in the Hindu religion there is a “heavenly paradise enjoyed by the souls of those who died with a ponderance of good karma but who must still undergo at least one more stay on earth” (ABH 456).They are allowed to stay in this heavenly paradise for only a certain amount of time before they have to go back to earth to perform the rest of their duties. After the person has finally achieved perfection back on earth, instead of going back to paradise they become reunited with the the Brahman, also called the soul of the universe. Similarly too Hinduism Christianity …show more content…

I know that sounds a lil bit selfish but it takes a lot of effort and work to live and do right by God’s word and I feel in the end we should be rewarded with an afterlife. What is the point of doing good if we will end up with the same people who aren't trying to do by God? I know a lot of critics who would say why not just do good for the good of humanity? They have a valid point but I feel as with humans we are brought up with the notion that if you work hard at something you will be rewarded, this is instilled in us from the time we are babies to until we are grown adult. As a Christian I do believe in the afterlife because God’s states in the Bible he will rescue all of his people. No I'm not saying I believe everything stated in the Bible, but what would be the point of doing God’s work if it doesn't result to anything? Growing up I learned there is always a bigger picture then we sometimes can see. I feel like as a Christian if you just sit back and actually think, you would realize God wants us to follow and live by his word for a

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