
Reflection Paper On Communication

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As I was watched my video and looking at my transcripts, I realized that the student to teacher talk ratio was not even. I did most of the talking in my lesson which shocked me. When I was teaching the lesson, I thought I had provided plenty of times for students to discuss and become engaged. I was wrong. In my transcripts, I counted how much I talked in each segment and was surprised with my results. In segment one, I spoke 41 times alone out of 69 transcripts lines. My students talked 28 times. This means my students spoke only 40% and I spoke 60% of the time in segment one. As I broke down the teacher to student talk ratio for the other two segments, student talk decreased. In segment two, I spoke 32 times and students only got 17 times. Out of 49 lines in total, students only got to talk 17 times which means students talked was 35% and teacher talk was 65% of the time. I thought that was bad but, in segment three, I talked 44 times and students only talked ten times. Students only talked 18% of the time and I did 82%. This is shown in the graph shown below. Even though I asked for student thoughts and ideas, I did not give opportunities for students to elaborate on their ideas. This lessened my ability as a teacher to truly understand what students were thinking at that moment. In kindergarten, these young students can't be talked at for very long because they will become disengaged. A question I couldn't help but ask myself was this; Was my dominating the

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