
Reflection Paper On Bullying

Decent Essays

Bully: Thoughts and Reflections
Bullying is displayed in numerous forms from destructive and socially damaging aggression and interactions to teasing, name calling, and other verbal abuse to physical violence or threats of physical harm to exclusion. In the documentary, Bully, filmmakers address the complex interworking of bullying in schools. I found adults’ interactions and “solutions” or “aid” to be particularly interesting. I do not think anyone was totally equipped to handle bullying. With this being said, I am aware that bullying is an extremely complex issue and every case is different, so I am sure that the parents, teachers, and administrators believed they were doing the right thing. Because of how far off base these adults are in regards to effective strategies to reduce bullying and aggressive behaviors, I think that teachers and administrators should be required to hold a yearly round table conversation and workshop on how to best advocate for children how are the victims of bullying as well as reach the children who are bullying. Whether it be ignoring the bullying, removing children, either the child bullying or the child who is being bullied, or demonstrating inconsistency in the way that bullying is handled are all examples of techniques that do not work effectively. Furthermore, documented cases of teachers bullying and physically or verbally abusing children, especially those with special needs, seem to be surfacing with disturbing frequency.

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