
Reflection On The Classroom Observation

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Classroom Observations
I chose to observe Mrs. Tijerina for my classroom observation. There are many reasons why I decided to observe Mrs. Tijerina. I elected to observe Mrs. Tijerina so I could see another teacher’s perspective on teaching Spanish, as she and Mrs. Fiechter are the only Spanish teachers in the school. Furthermore, I never had Mrs. Tijerina for Spanish 2, as the teacher I had left Adams Central. Additionally within the hour I was observing, there were many sophomore students that I knew personally so I was able to ask them on their options of the class. Finally, Mrs. Tijerina’s goal was to teach in a similar way to Mrs. Fiechter’s teaching, and by observing her I was able to compare and contrast the two …show more content…

Bulletin boards reside on the north and south walls. Construction paper cut-outs of essential Spanish phrases and pictures are scattered on the board for flair and to produce a vidi image. Encouraging posters inhabit the south side of the wall. All pieces of furnitures are labeled with their Spanish term to help the students learn objects. The atmosphere of the room is energetic and radiant as you can help but feel warm inside. Mrs. Tijerina developed the room to encourage learning while maintain a fun and exciting aura. Students enjoy the layout of the room and find that the layout of the furniture and objects benefit them while learning.
Observations (put student/teacher relationship here???)
Mrs. Tijerina has a sturdy relationship built with her students. She has desire to see them succeed and flourish in the Spanish culture while mining high expectations. Mrs. Tijerina wants every single student to be involved or to give feedback. There was not a single student in the classroom that did not participate in discussion or did not have a chance to voice their opinion. Mrs. Tijerina treated every student with respect, and expected that she would be respected as well. If a student was talking out of hand, Mrs. Tijerina was capable to getting them to stop immediately. Since she has a strong desire for the students to excel, she predominantly speaks in

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