For this semester’s service learning, I completed hours at both Dakota Prairie and the Boys and Girls Club here in Brookings, SD. Service learning is a great way to volunteer in the community and to also gain practical knowledge that you can use in a future career. Before I started my service hours, I was a little nervous because of the young age group I would be observing. I can honestly say that I loved my locations for the semester, and overall, it was a great experience. For the first eight hours of my service learning experience, I spent a day at the Boys and Girls Club. This club is an after-school and summer childcare program that serves youth in the 1st through 12th grade. During my volunteering, I worked with the elementary age group. I have never really worked in a setting with a bunch of kids, so I was a little nervous but also very excited to see what it all entailed. For the first half of the day, we spent time organizing and preparing for the annual Halloween party. This showed me just how much work it takes to put on an event like this and how orderly you need to be. For the second half of the day, I got to help with the games and to also play with the kids. During the Halloween party, they had very many activities for the kids to partake in and also had treats, prizes, and music. It was really awesome to see what the Boys and Girls Club does, and to see how many lives they impact on a daily basis. It takes a lot of staff and volunteers to put on an
Chapter 8 addresses the financial questions an entrepreneur must ask before starting a business venture or expanding an existing one. Such questions as how you plan to use the money and how you plan to return the money back to the lenders. When carefully use of loans can help boost the business. There are also demerits coupled with borrowing money, such as interest charges and debt can inhibit growth.
There has been a lot of controversy on whether colleges should be paying the paying their athletes. Brian Frederick, a board member of Sports Fan Coalition and an adjunct professor for Georgetown University’s Sport Industry Management Program, believes colleges have a broken system when it comes to athletes. Frederick’s contemptuous tone discredits sports fan, who believe college athletes already get paid enough with their education, by stating “If a student athlete is hurt or unsuccessful, the coaches and administrators suddenly discard the noble ideals of “education” and a player is left with nothing.” With the use of metaphors and similes, Frederick convinces sport fans to take action and make the calls in order to continue college athletics
The service learning activity that has been the most meaningful to me is the Backpack Program. Over the past four years, I have been involved with the Beta Club which is a big contributor to the program. The reason this activity is so meaningful to me is because if affects the peers in my schools who are in need. Every year we are told a story about a student who was receiving items from the program. One afternoon while selecting items, he picked some bananas and stated "My little sister will be exited about these. We have not had fresh fruit at house in over a year." Every time I here that story, it motivates me to help out my fellow Chase High Students. Not only do I bring food, but I bring necessities that someone would need to maintain
I did my community service at Dr. Porter and Clark in Flat Rock during November 2016. They were doing their annual food drive for families that couldn’t afford thanksgiving in neighboring cities. The food drive needed help dividing up food for the families and organizing/making the drive route. I chosed this service because as someone who actively uses food banks on month to month basis, even week to week sometimes it's nice to give
The first time I heard about service learning at Saint Anselm College was when I took a tour in my Junior year in high school. As the tour guide was explaining what service learning was, it immediately sparked my interest. As a student, I learn better in a more hands-on atmosphere, and this experience seemed perfect for me. After arriving at Saint Anselm College and being offered to participate in service, I definitely knew that it was something that I wanted to participate in. I feel very fortunate to have had this experience, and
Throughout the experience, I examined another social problems which is animal rights. I had an interesting conversation with other volunteers, we talk about animal consumption in an inhumane way that violates animal rights. For example, people hunting wildlife that are precious or be in protected to sale them for money or even hunting for fun. This is touch my heart because animals are just ignorance like children. Also, we can’t deny the fact that human need to consume protein from the livestock in my prospective. But it can’t mean that we can overkill or over consume. Killing wildlife is just another thing that we need to think of. Once the wildlife species are gone, they will gone forever. Therefore, it is our
The project meet a recognized need in the community is I play with little kids, watch their safety, also assisting teacher. The project links to what I've studied in school was way back when I was in fifth grade. My teacher assigns me a kindergarten buddy, I teach him sight words and helping him writing sentences. I reflect throughout the service-learning experience is I have a happy time to play with little kids. I did not take leadership or ownership of the project. I prepared for this project talking to First Steps Director of the church. The strengths are teacher thinks I'm helpful and little kids like to play with me. I don't need any modification if I were doing this again, because my teacher is satisfied what I did.
Shortly after President Obama was elected in 2009, Bernadine Healy, who is the editor and columnist for U.S. News & World Report published an article titled “legalize marijuana? Obama was right to say no,” signaling her disapproval of reforming the marijuana laws. In recent years, states have experimented with recreational and medical cannabis use. Healy highlighted that legalizing cannabis would go against what President Obama campaigned on in terms of nurturing our nation’s children. Earlimart, Healy discussed how marijuana has potential health effects, and is harmful for teens who use the drug. Although Healy pointed out several hurdles when it comes to cannabis legalization, she failed to mention several important elements which impact
In this ten hours’ service learning, I found having instructor involve in the activity help students perform better. Children need demonstration that they can copy and learn from what the instructor do and say. There is no doubt that children would do well via copying. Additionally, children are exciting about the reward and doing well in the activity even though it is only a tattoo.
Kids and teens in school these days are told to work hard to benefit their future. There’s so many options for colleges and careers. Sometimes it’s hard for students to get recognized by colleges even if there academics are amazing or you're a stellar athlete. These students are missing a piece, community service.
Incorporating service learning with academics is overall beneficial to students. With the combination of both in-class learning and community service, students are given the opportunity to use what they learn in class in the real world. Through this process, students are given skills that they will continue to use for the rest of their lives. Service learning improves students’ interactions with their peers and encourages them to become active leaders in their
Service-Learning is a teaching and learning method that integrates community service with academic coursework as it focuses on critical, reflective thinking. I had the opportunity to go to Kalamazoo for one of my Service Learning projects. My softball team and I hooked up with the Freedom Center of Kalamazoo and we helped the homeless people out. We gave them different things, or pretty much whatever they needed. We walked around different parks and places in Kalamazoo and talked with homeless people and gave them things they needed. In addition, I also helped at the Buddy Walk at Michigan State University. This was a great experience because I got to meet all sorts of people and I got to interact with some down syndrome people, and it really made my day.
Serving the common good has been one of the most influential classes I have taken since coming to Viterbo. It teaches us the importance of service learning and the impact it has on our community, which we are able to experience first-hand through our own service work. These hands-on experiences are what make this class so beneficial for the Viterbo Students. It gives us the opportunity to see how rewarding a life of serving can truly be. Throughout this paper, I contemplate my own service work, and reflect what service-learning means to me at a deeper level.
Service learning projects are good ways to get involved in your community. They can range from any type of community service or deed. Calumet High School can make a list of hundreds of things to do. I feel that it's best to keep some close to home and then the school can branch out to other communities. Our school should hold clothing drives, soup kitchens, and a clean-up committee. How cool would it be to help your community out?
Using the books of the Bible we have covered this semester draw a connection to a service experience or person you served or served with. Explain the connection with depth and detail.