
Reflection On Pleasures And Wisdom

Satisfactory Essays

Ecclesiastes 2:1-26 says that pleasures and wisdom are meaningless, because everything is meaningless without Christ in our lives. Solomon tried to pursue fulfillment through pleasure, wealth, and fame. He was letting his own interests control him, not doing what God has planned for him. Using only our human wisdom wouldn’t get us far in life; we would only come across more obstacles that we can’t overcome on our own. Without God’s guidance and wisdom, we would live an interest-centered life that only fulfills our personal interests, unlike a Christ-centered life. In a Christ-centered life, we put our faith in God and trust that He knows what is best for us, and therefore do everything according to His plan. Solomon felt that pleasure, wisdom, folly, foil, and everything is meaningless because he didn’t put God first. He put his interests first and could only fulfill his As he attempted to draw satisfaction purely out of his pleasure, he realized that without God nothing can be fulfilled, and experienced many obstacles on his way.

Through the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30, we learn that we should not be lazy, because God created us to work for Him and serve wholeheartedly. Unlike the third steward, we need to work to fulfill God’s plan for us and serve God with all our hearts. What matters the most is that we need to have full commitment to being faithful and wise stewards to God, and doing what He has planned for us before we were even born. Talents are the

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