
Reflection On Organizational Behavior

Decent Essays

Organizational behavior is a very important topic that only a few students take advantage of. There is nothing more powerful to have in the workforce than an understanding of the way the people around you think and act. Having the ability to engage in the work that is being done with coworkers and supervisors makes the work easier and more enjoyable. Workers can be most productive when they have strong relationships to the people around them. This is why management and organizational behavior is one of the most rewarding classes for an undergraduate. Taking the StrengthsFinder test opened my eyes about my strengths as a leader. I was shocked I got futuristic, however, I was not surprised to see strategic, empathy, relator, or includer. I tend to like to live my life in the present; I try and savor and really live through the moments happening in front of me. However, I do tend to dote on the future and how terrified I am of it. The assessment says futuristic leaders are inspired by the future, but it truly terrifies me. I hope to look into this strength further in this course and discover how I can use the future to propel me, and those around me, forward. The other strengths I received are very encouraging, as all will likely give me an edge on any professional team. I have always had a very analytical and strategic mind, and this strength will be an asset to any company when it comes to problem solving or strengthening the company. In regards to forming professional relationships, I have never really had an issue. I have always welcomed in new people and invited those I felt might have been left out to be my friend too. Being a relator and an includer in a professional setting will give me the opportunity to develop powerful and meaningful bonds with coworkers and supervisors. Keeping these relationships will be easy for me as I am a keen observer of the human condition and I know when others are feeling sad or down. I am always empathetic, and I do my best to help whoever it may be back to their feet. In a professional setting, empathy can help me see myself in a coworkers shoes and this could resolve disputes or even help them when they are in times of need. All of my strengths deal with the central

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