Community Assessment Reflection This paper serves as an overview and reflection of the community assessment assignment process for the Chinatown presentation team with the community issue of gentrification. There will be an analysis of the team’s performance in regards to strengths and opportunities for growth as well as an outlining how roles and responsibilities were formed including collaboration and communication. Further, since our group presented last, there is an inclusion of the positive aspects of our colleague’s presentations and some suggestions for revision if we were to present again. Additionally, there is personal analysis of my role within the team, areas of personal opportunity for growth, and my role within our group. The end of the reflection paper provides an opportunity for potential application of skills in future social work practice and how I will use the principles of community assessment in future practice. Overall, the process of collaborating with colleagues and the intricacies of assessing a community have prepared me for micro and macro level social work practice in communities of any size.
Team Performance Overall, I am satisfied with how well my group worked together during the community assessment portion of the project. We did well because we were all committed to the project. Moreover, at almost all of our meetings and community visits, members showed up on time and prepared. Some parts of our assessment were more comprehensive then
County are to adolescents in the City of Reading (67.8%). The City of Reading rate is
In the HLTH 305: Community Development and Engagement in Public Health course at the University of Waterloo, the final project consisted of an intervention where we had design and implement a community based activity. With this, my team and I faced a variety of obstacles in order to produce an intervention for students at the University of Waterloo. This project had multiple parts that had to be completed in order for the intervention to be a success; thus demonstrating teamwork skills will allow for successful and smoothly planned intervention in regards to the stigma surrounding homelessness in the KW region and in general. The major parts of this intervention that was focused on by our team was bringing in a guest speaker in from a homelessness
Throughout this paper we’ll be assessing and dissecting the community of Paterson, New Jersey, located in Passaic County. Formerly referred to as an industrial powerhouse that opened many doors of opportunity to the community surrounding it. It added wealth, independence, and economic security to the surrounding areas. The Great Falls and the potential power they generated was the primary cause for this. Alexander Hamilton wanted to construct an industrial city around the Great Falls. He believed manufacturers will increase the power and division of labor throughout the community. These falls were the significant factor
The reliability of an assessment in a perfect situation should produce the same results if marked by another tutor or if that examiner unknowingly receives the same paper again. If different marks are given the assessment is consequently unreliable and proves that this assessment is subjective.
Lake City is an established neighborhood in northeast Seattle with a population of 39,939 as of 2013 (Demographic Now 2015). The borders of Lake City from south to north are from 95th Street to 145th Street and from Lake Washington to 15th Street going east to west. Walking, driving, and data retrieval comprised the survey of this area. The purpose of this paper is to identify potential community health issues that may impact the residents as a whole.
The population that I will be focusing on for the Community Needs and Services paper includes those individuals between the ages of 18 and 45 that struggle with opioid addiction who have become involved in the Criminal Justice system. The paper will analyze specifically what demographics constitute the prison population and those who are continuously participating in community supervision under the Justice system who are addicted to opiates or other narcotics. The ability to obtain funding for this population and the resources available while transitioning from a Court room to the community or a prison facility
The gentrification of Chinatowns across the United States represent an environmental racism, because it forces people of of their homes on the streets. Most of the Chinatowns are located in the centers of the majors cities, surrounded by financial districts, and other rich neighborhoods. With current economy trends we can see an increase of new companies moving and opening new offices around different towns. With limited space available for new companies to open their business, landlords sell their building for big sum of money resulting in evictions. Such injustice is hard to stop because its not illegal, and all of the stakeholders besides the Asian Americans living in Chinatowns are happy with development. The possible winnable solutions to the problem of gentrification would be to strengthen the community so that the city representative could hear their voice and opinions when it comes the their problem. Asian Americans should try to be involved as United States citizens more as well, they should learn how to speak and understand english language and local laws better. Based on the book by Bindi Shah, Laotian Daughters, we can learn that organizing community and getting involved politically can help in reducing the environmental injustice, as well as reducing the negative stereotypes regarding Asian American minorities. Racial solidarity, critical incorporation and ethnic reconstruction that were used by APEN and the young Laotian girls could definitely help in reaching
In my point of view assessment is a testing tool by which a teacher or assessor can use to detect the outcomes of teaching, learning or assessment process with the learners by
Introduction The purpose of a community assessment is to identify the needs of the target population or client. In this case, the community and target population are students attending the University of Southern Indiana. The goal is to identify health needs and issues of the target population through assessment to provide interventions that are relevant and needed. Community/Population Demographic and Health Characteristics
Dr. Myers gave me the state aid formula as the total district assessment times 0.025 times 98% plus miscellaneous funds divided by ADM (Average Daily Membership). The district obtains its money through federal, local, and state funds. However, he did not share these amounts with me. Through looking at reports on our schools website, I determined that our local revenue was $1,875,000, state revenue was $1,395,105, and federal revenue was only $365,783.
Bennington County is made up of Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Manchester, Readsboro, and Shaftsbury. In July 2015, Bennington County had 36,317 people with the majority being female at 51.5%. The majority of this county is over the age of 65 at 21.7%, with the second highest percent of population being over the age of 18 at 19.3%, and people under the age of 5 make up 4.7% of the population. Unable to find data that directly shows the percentage of adolescents in the community yielded the choice to select this population as a target audience. In Bennington it seems as though the adolescent youth is often forgotten about due to the increased number of elderly with chronic disease that demand focus
Theoretically, community needs assessments are a great way to identify gaps within communities and improving the life of individuals within a target group. If there is a collaboration of all three components of the community needs assessment model, Assessment, Dissemination and
On October 20, my Visionary Volunteers group performed our 10 hours of community service for this project with the CommUniverCity organization. This organization focuses on bringing people from the city of San Jose and SJSU students together to help the community surrounding Downtown San Jose to become more sustainable and use more renewable resources. We volunteered and helped out at the Safe and Green Halloween Party which took place at McKinley Elementary School which is very close to our university. This Halloween party was based on the theme of safety on Halloween and being environmentally-friendly. I was there for the entire duration of the event from setting up to cleaning up. For setting up, I helped by cleaning trash off the school playground, arranging tables and chairs for the various activity booths, and decorating the playground for the event. One important thing which I learned here was that teamwork helps us to accomplish large tasks faster. I found out that teamwork helps me to become more social and meet new people. This makes the job more fun as I interact with others while performing my tasks. If I was working alone, I would not have enjoyed it as much as it would be more work for me. Also, I would not have had anyone to talk to while doing my work. This is why I enjoyed working with others to clear trash from the playground.
I have enjoyed taking this class this semester. Even though I hit a few hiccups along the way I pushed through. I think it will help in my future endeavor in community development. Many people can benefit by taking this class and learning more about the health issues within a community. The information can also be carried on and utilized within many other professions. I have shared many of my learning experiences from this class with family and friends and have passed on a lot of knowledge. I honestly feel taking this class in a classroom would have been more educational to me. The use of visuals and hands on is a way I like to learn and as a result I would have retained and understood more in this area. Having an experience professional in the career already attending the class and sharing would have helped me too. Even though I did take this class online and a lot of topics were covered in a short amount of time a lot of good information was taken in. It does help that I have experienced on some level of the topics that were presented. There’s always room for more growth while learning more on the topic of health in community development. Things are always changing, growing, and expanding, including the development of new Technology. I have just started the beginning of what all it entails. I think it would be helpful to have learned more on the solution to some of the problems presented. A lot of the topics were interesting to read about, but on some I felt the need
While I am impressed with how our group performed, I would propose a few changes if I were to do it again. After our group chose the community, it would have been helpful to have a meeting before we actually visited the community to establish a plan on what we wanted to do during our visit. At this first meeting, I would have proposed appointing a leader of the group. This could be anyone that stepped up to the job and could reached via a consensus. Moreover, a leader would have been helpful in making decisions and would have the final say in our decisions, research, and presentation style. Having someone specifically to assigned this task would have helped solve conflict, make decisions, and be more effective