
Reflection On Children

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Over the course of the semester we have discussed and analyzed several issues and situations that can create adverse conditions for children. Unfortunately, the society in the U.S. portrays children as being fragile and vulnerable. Thus, leading to the belief that children require an immense need for protecting and sheltering from troublesome events. However, as we have progressed through the stories of several children from various eras and backgrounds. It has become quite clear that the children are actually quite capable of handling adverse situations. We examined the agonizing conditions of slavery and prejudice that African American children have endured. For example, in the reading by Frederick Douglas he explained his awareness of being imprisoned by slavery conditions at a very young age. It was this level of awareness and understanding of how these actions went against his basic human rights that afforded him the ability to break free from the atrocities of slavery. Moreover, it was what allowed him to realize that learning to read was another way to combat and ultimately free himself from slavery. As he stated “[i]t was a grand achievement, and I prized it highly. From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom” (Douglas 59). Thus, proving to illustrate the significant amount of strength and resiliency children do possess. In a society where children are primarily an afterthought, it is imperative for adults to begin to understand that children

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