Heading into this course, I wasn’t exactly sure what it was about. Aside from reading the description on the KU website, I had no idea what to expect. I thought it would be centered around what would make a good leader, and the things I should do to achieve this. After the first couple weeks, I finally grasped the purpose of this class, and slowly started to work what I was learning into my day to day life. Through this class I have been able to identify what adaptive leadership is and how to apply it to my day to day task as well as how to work within the disequilibrium. I was also given the opportunity to reflect on what I was learning, through journals and amongst my peers through discussion boards, and how I was using my knowledge to identify different challenges I was facing in my life. Adaptive leadership is defined as “the activity of mobilizing work” in our book’s glossary (Heifetz, Grashow & Linsky, 2009, p. 303). In the text, they give a more in depth description that “adaptive leadership is the practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive” and I feel I can understand this definition more (Heifetz, Grashow & Linsky, 2009, p. 14). It is easiest to break it down and look at each saying individually. The idea of mobilizing people isn’t about just encouraging them to face their challenge, but actually stepping down from the balcony and getting into the situation with them to help them tackle their touch challenges. Also, these challenges don’t
I have always known I love change, but from this class, I learned change is the hallmark of a leader. As John C. Maxwell says in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, “Growth = Change.”The leadership assessments allowed me to understand myself in a new way. Because I am a curious green thinker, I need explanations and answers to understand my world. I tend to see the big picture of a project and my mind motivates me toward something new or improved. I am curious about new opportunities because I easily become bored with routine. Learning I have these characteristics has increased my confidence to pursue future leadership roles in a small to a mid-sized position.
Derrick, stating the purpose of the assignment was a brilliant way to initiate your summary on Heiftz's book The Practice of Adaptive Leadership. The two things I truly appreciate about your summary was the sequential flow and organization of the paper and your clear understanding of the subject material. While reading your summary, I also like the fact that you incorporated a portion of the lecture material into your final draft. Great job!
I believe that my general view of leadership has not changed over this course, however, before I had a very vague concept of what leaders do and how they act but not an in-depth perspective of the exact characteristics that they possess and how they use them to better themselves as well as their followers. Through this course I have been able to see how different people view leadership and the strengths and ethics that people feel are essential for the people to be successful leaders. This course has been very beneficial for me as a leader for several
Course Experience and Application: What I have learned throughout this course is that my own experiences have brought value to those around me. I have also been afforded the privilege of insight into what other perspectives play a role within leadership. During this experience I have also reflected upon my own weaknesses. Through many of the leadership development classes and scenarios, I have been able to practice in areas that still need
My goal is to learn as much as I can so that I am equipped to convert my role as the middle manager at my current organization to one that sits at the senior leadership table. I am looking forward to this course developing my critical thinking skills in preparation for my inevitable
I agree with you as a leader it is important to recognize where we are and where we want to go. The knowledge that I have acquired from this course has helped to guide me in the right direction. I feel confident leading others and hope to inspire them. However, I understand that I need to be able to reflect on my current leadership style and make the necessary changes. One change that I plan to implement as I stated on my journal is servant leadership which encourages “leaders be attentive to the concerns of their followers and nurture them” (Northouse, 2013, p. 219). Also, I plan to implement situational leadership. I understand that I should base my conduct on the demands of a particular situation. I learned that if I aspire
Adaptive leadership is a framework that helps individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in challenging environments. It is being able, both individually and collectively, to take on the gradual but meaningful process of change. Adaptive leaders help others do the work by mobilizing them, motivating, organizing, orienting and focusing follower’s attention of what’s important.
It was Thursday, August 25, at eight in the morning when I walked into my second leadership class ever. The first class was just reviewing the syllabus so to me this was the real “first class”. We discussed The Leader’s Companion by Gardner and how there is currently a cry for leadership. I heard that there was a need for leaders at all levels and that can be achieved by studying leadership. After hearing that I understood there was a problem, I wanted to be the adequate leader the world needed and I first needed to gain a good understand the information learned in class. Throughout this semester I have learned a lot about myself, group interactions, and my leadership identity, which all come together to enhance my understanding and appreciation of leadership itself.
Reflective learning is important as it allows one to realize their strengths and weaknesses, develop self-awareness, understand how you learn, and plan your own development (University of Kent, 2012). According to Barbour (2013), “reflective practice is the cyclic process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, existing knowledge, and experience; resulting in a changed conceptual perceptive and practice” (p. 7). This allows us to better understand ourselves so that we can grow and develop. There are ten complexity principles that help leaders thrive in the environment of chaos and complexity. Moreover, leaders need to qualities of courage and will to be effective. There are several leadership assessment surveys that one can take to learn more about themselves in order to understand areas of strengths and areas where growth is needed.
When I started the course I was excited to learn different qualities as like leader the assumptions was there will be having some exercises to buid some leadership qualities which I did not have. I assumed that I will learn how we can motivate others and some special capability how we can develop in myself like great leaders and as I assumed I get same thing that great leaders are not born with leadership skills ,they develop that skills .
Over the years, there have been many brave men and women serving in the military, but there will always be those service members who go beyond their piers to accomplish the mission, those individuals are adaptive leaders. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss, what is an adaptive leader and who can we consider among the many to be a good example of an adaptive leader. Also, what are the characteristics of an adaptive leader, and how do you mentor or shape adaptive leaders, to make this Battalion better.
This leadership course has taught me to the importance of leadership and what it means to be a leader. That leadership is something that is learned and developed over time. To set goals and encourage those who are involved in accomplishing the goal. Being a leader more than just having follower, but to have enthusiasm, courage, humility, and integrity. This course have also helped me understand how to not only apply leadership to my personal life but to the working atmosphere.
It is hard to quantify what I have learned in the semester of Leadership because the courses focus was not about memorizing data, but rather learning about having the will to lead and finding the courage to make it happen. A majority of the information I learned from this course came from learning about myself. Through readings, course activities, and various projects, I learned what makes a great leader, but more importantly what traits I possess that will make me a great leader. In order to be a great leader, one must have an understanding of what leadership is. Leadership is a social influence (Stogdill, p. 25). It means leaving a mark. It is initiating and guiding, and the result is change. Leading is the result of your passion coming to life.
One of the biggest lessons learned from this course is that to be an effective leader, you must have a diverse skillset. I’m not sure if there is any one magical component or characteristic in being a great leader. One influence during my review of the literature was that; although easier for some, I see leadership as something we must continually improve upon. This is in contrast to my belief during my first day of class, when I thought leaders just
It would appear that my original theory regarding the applicability and practicality of this capstone was accurate. This course has managed to successfully supplement the knowledge I had previously acquired in other courses. For example, I was familiar with and understood the basic principles of leadership. However, this course has taught me that the ability to lead is not an exact science, but an art and determining how to proceed when faced with uncertainty or a highly volatile situation is an exceptional challenge.