
Reflection Of WP1 Reflection

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WP1 Reflection For writing project one, I followed a relatively straightforward composition process from brainstorming through drafting. While I was trying to find a topic to write on for my outline, I was considering Leonhardt’s essay and was trying to focus on what he said to get ideas. Then, I discovered that the issue that needed to be addressed was not what he said about education and inequality, but it was what he didn’t say. While writing my outline, I focused on keeping Leonhardt’s essay in focus, while presenting my “I say” through personal experiences. I found the progression of starting with applications of Piketty’s first law of inequality to open to my topic of the exuberant cost of a college education, which forces many working-class families to remain stagnant. While I was developing my draft, I had to cut out paragraphs regarding the political stigma of education that Leonhardt briefly addressed, due to size constrains and a relative lack of personal background knowledge on the topic. I do not regret the decision, as it narrowed my focus on the essay and it helped cut what would have been my weakest link. Presenting my ideas as a response to some other person or group has been a challenging experience in my writing. The requirement of presenting my ideas as a response challenged me to brainstorm ideas based off a singular text, and to address that text. It forced me to critically read the text to decipher the author’s overall thesis, and his

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