
Reflection Of Visit To The Mapleshire Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

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During the visit to the Mapleshire Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, I was able to tour the facility and also meet and speak with employees and patients. When I arrived at the center, my first interaction was with the assistant director of activities whose name was Madison. Madison has been officially employed at this facility for two years but has been involved for many years since her mother is the admissions director at the center. She was able to answer the majority of the questions other students and I had about the daily functioning of the facility. After interviewing Madison, I took a tour of the facility and spoke with two patients. The purpose of this paper is to reflect and share my insight from interviewing the employee and two patients, and the observations I noted after the completion of a three-unit tour. Additionally, it is necessary to relate my experience to the content learned in class and compare the similarities between the classroom work and the reality of the older population.

Daily Life of the Patients

To begin, Madison described the daily activities of the patients in the facility. She stated that patients typically rise around 6:00 a.m. and a certified nursing assistant helps the patients bathe, brush their hair and teeth, and get ready for the day. From there, some patients go to therapy while others go to breakfast around 8:45 a.m. The patients then participate in morning activities such as reading the newspaper, watching the news, or

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