
Reflection About Writing And Reading

Decent Essays

Growing up I was never the best writer or reader. Every time I read a certain book for school, I tend to just read past the lines and not know what I just read. Some material would be interesting but never caught my attention to the point that attracted my interests. Writing was extremely difficult since it takes a lot of patience and exact wording that I need to use to make my essay come out clean. Plenty of ideas would come up when I am writing my paper, however I just don’t know how to get it all down on the piece of paper. My mind would go off tangent to think about the ideas that I wrote before on the paper and then I will try to include those ideas into my paper. This causes a negative flow throughout my essay and results of the …show more content…

This method was very tedious and boring for me but I knew doing this would improve my grade on my homework. The hours I spent on the reading and writing the notes took me almost a few hours. I needed to get every detail down in order to get the most description out of the book so that can help me respond to the questionnaire. After the struggle of one night of reading for this course, I turned in my homework and I felt proud of myself. Two positive outcomes came out of this change of style towards my literacy skills was that I understood the readings so much better and I received a ten out of ten on the homework. I really worked hard for this homework grade since the percentage of homework was almost half of the entire grade. This continued for me for the rest of the semester and the readings got so much easier to read since I was more aware of what was going on and that made me want to do homework even more. In the end of the semester, I was proud to say that I passed this course where it required me to more readings than I have done in my lifetime. This experience with my literacy skills really awakened me. I felt I need some type of incentive so I can perform and improve my reading and writing. I taught myself to study and read well through this course and I ended up graduating which was a wonderful experience. Today, I still use the same

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