I am astonished how Chicago implemented tough gun laws and the results were devastating. I expected the gun laws to attain more civil order and decreased the violence within the state. I do not understand how gun violence increased in Chicago and not in other states, where those other states did not bothered implementing strict gun laws. Were people upset overall, causing to increased violence in Chicago? I thought order equals control in society, however, this is not the case for Chicago. This certainly makes me tense up and apprehensive because if gun regulations did not work. Then what are the next steps towards the government decreasing gun violence within the United States? Gun violence has always will be issue, but now we are finally
Chicago murder rate continue to increase even with the gun laws implemented throughout the city. One interesting fact is that there is not one single gun shop located within the city of Chicago. How can a city who basically has a ban on guns still have one of the highest gun rates? I grew up in the Englewood neighborhood located in Chicago, and the gun violence was at an all-time high during my younger years. In 2010, Chicago uplifted the banned of handguns in Chicago and this policy increased the homicide rate by 18 percent (Soaring Chicago Gun Violence Amid, 2017). I have lost my best friend to gun violence as well as numerous family member and close friends. Gun control laws and finding ways to decrease the gun violence has been my ultimate goal ever since the day I step on a college campus back in
How can the DC metro area reduce violence regarding firearms? How can gun control laws helps solve this issue?
Eight people were killed and 45 people were reported injured in Chicago last weekend, making it the second worst weekend of the year for Chicago gun violence.
Gun laws vary depending on the state, therefore the penalties differ. A prime example of strict gun laws is Chicago. Chicago has the strictest gun laws in America, with gun stores banned and “The ban on assault rifles, a high-capacity magazine ban, and nowhere to purchase ammo makes Chicago one of the toughest places in the country to obtain a serviceable and firing weapon” (Agoris). However even with such strict gun laws, Chicago continues to have high crime rates, with “426 people killed in 2014, 343 killed due to shooting and 278 deaths in 2015, with 241 deaths due to shootings” (2015 Chicago). The U.S government's solution of more police and more prisons does not work. Instead of decreasing the number of prisoners, “There are three times as many people in jail as 15 years ago. Congress has been passing similar crime bills since Nixon was in office more than 20 years ago, and it obviously hasn't had much impact” (Sautter).Of the increase of people in jail, 66% of those are imprisoned for gun related charges (Firearms). It is a time for a revision of gun laws and crime laws if the government wants changes because along with the increase in criminals, there has been an increase in those killed. According to the Children’s Defense Fund, “Every two days, guns kill the equivalent of a class of 25 youngsters and injure 60 more” (Sautter). Young innocent lives will continue to be lost if the U.S does not step up and target the actual problem. Violent music, video games, and media in general influence many of these violent massacres, and until they are better regulated, no changes can be seen with the crime
Banding guns will reduce violence. Will stablish order for Chicagoans. Stricter laws with more severe punishment be and reinforcement of these laws will make a person think twice before getting their hands on a gun and breaking the law.
The topic on why guns should be legal in chicago is very controversial. What ever side you pick there will be negatives and positives, but the side that the city takes has too many negatives causing deaths and the purchase of unregistered weapons. Others may say that by more people carrying guns it is more likely that they would use them incorrectly; But with the solution posed more citizens would have a gun with a license and safety classes. They would need to take these classes before making their purchased. The Increase of gun laws in chicago cause the violence and deaths in the city. The decrease of strictness would greatly impact the community providing more guns with easy and affordable access to a license for better protection. Guns can be used by people with a license for self defense, gangs provoke the violence, criminals nowadays target areas with less weapons, less laws result in less crime and guns are brought from out of state.
Gun control is certainly an issue that most Americans have been exposed to. In 1989, 11,832 Americans died weapons. Members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) believe it is their constitutional right to own guns, stating that guns are not the root cause of crime in the United States. Gun control activists and members of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) argue that guns are responsible for the majority of violent crimes that take place. They want to instill many kinds of prohibitions and waiting periods in firearms, so it is almost impossible to obtain a firearm. In fact, in 1993 the Brady Law, which requires a waiting period in the purchase of firearms, was approved. Their arguments range from protecting children say that guns
Gun violence has existed in the United States for many years, and it continues to worsen each year. President Obama plans to close gun show loopholes to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Obama’s plan fits the need to significantly reduce gun violence, there is no way to effectively put a complete end to gun violence but we need to try to minimize it. By closing gun show loopholes, everyone that goes to a federally licensed gun dealer will get a background check when purchasing firearms. The Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 allows anyone to purchase without having a background check done, including convicted felons.
People all across the world are debating about whether to require the start of reducing gun violence. Guns have always been a part of American culture, even before we became the America we know today. In colonial times and the days of the Wild West, guns were an essential part of survival. They were needed to kill animals for food and to protect against unwanted trespassers and predators. However, in these modern times, because we have conveniences such as Hannaford and organized police systems, guns have gone from tools of necessity to novelty toys. For the most part, people own guns in this century for sporting reasons or to protect their families and home from intrusion. The simplicity of a gun and the lack of effort it requires owning
Another group that is advocating for the stop of gun violence is the Law Center To Prevent Gun Violence. This groups motto is “Because smart gun laws save lives”, and they dedicate the work they are trying to achieve to the victims and their families from the 101 California Street shooting in San Francisco. This organization helps to provide extensive and in-depth summaries of the United States federal, state, and local laws and policies involving firearms. They try to be the most comprehensive resource of information on gun regulations; and along with trying to inform the public on the gun laws that are in place they also want to describe what the law is designed too do and to show us the limitations that these laws face. This groups
In 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilities and criminal records should be more deeply looked into before transaction—and finally, equipping teachers at highs schools with the right kind of weaponry to prevent mass shootings.
Buying a lethal firearm is just as easy as purchasing groceries. Furthermore, most big chain grocery stores sell guns to be purchased along with your essential food items. Guns have been a controversial topic for many years, and the big question is who should be allowed to own one. Gun control has been the solution provided to help prevent violent crimes in the U.S. The question to be asking though, should not be how do we keep citizens from owning lethal weapons, to how do we keep lethal weapons out of the wrong hands? Finding loopholes through the given civil rights of citizens, such as the second amendment, have proven too difficult to simply set a gun ban nationwide and take away a citizen’s firearm. Lenient gun control laws are safer
Gun violence has been around for centuries and there have been many mass shootings, homicides and suicides. There is always the argument on “do guns kill people” or “do people kill people”? What people really need to be looking at is the problem which is people stocking up on guns and not knowing how to properly handle them and all the mass shootings that are taking place. As a country, people need to be coming up with solutions instead of doing nothing.
Nothing prepares a mother or father for losing a child under any circumstances. It is heart rendering, emotionally draining and changes a family forever. But unfortunately the death of children will continue, it's not the gun that’s the problem it's the people. The question is still on the table as how can society eliminate gun violence. One of the deepest emotions is despair when all seems lost and events are uncontrollable. Learned helplessness is the belief that whatever you do, it doesn’t make a difference.
Trying to prevent and suppress criminal activity is the primary objective of any law enforcement agency. Because every city has different issues needing to be addressed, different strategies are required. In the following paragraphs, two crime prevention strategies will be looked at for the city of Boston and New Orleans which address the similar concern of gun violence.