
Reasons Why School Should Start Later In The Morning

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Everyone has at least experienced what it’s like getting up early in morning and getting ready for school or has at least heard about how awful it is dragging yourself out of bed. It gets mentally exhausting especially if you do it for five days out of every week. Some kids don’t get to go to bed till late because some do sports and some nights they have late games which just makes it more exhausting for kids. This is why schools should start later in the morning, it will give the kids more time to get their healthy sleeping hours so they are not sleep deprived and unhappy. Schools all across the United States start at different times but they all are in the same range. In my district, the elementary school starts the latest and the junior high starts the earliest. It would make sense if the high school started the earliest because they are the oldest but the junior high starts the earliest because it has to deal with the busing system. The buses get the high school students and the junior high students and fit them on buses, drop the junior high kids off and then the high school students. After dropping all of the junior high and high school students off, the buses get the elementary students and drop them off at the elementary. Sleep is an important role in our health. Sleep allows young children to grow. There are a lot of reasons that school districts should delay their starting times for school. There are health risks that people would not expect with students with

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