In a zombie apocalypse, the first thing I would do is find a shelter that can suit my needs and protect me from the weather/attacks/raids/zombies. If you live in a crowded area first hide then in the next few days go to your hideout and if you live in a less crowded area go to your hideout as soon as possible. If you survive the first day then your chances of survival has been greatly enhanced. When the zombies first came the reason why most people died on the first day was because they were in the open. If you find yourself in an open area then find a hiding place as soon as possible or leave very quickly. This will give you time and time is going to be your friend in a zombie apocalypse.The next thing you need to do is think about your situation.
The zombie argument presents an idea meant to prove that consciousness doesn’t necessarily logically supervene on the physical. In this example there exists a zombie, defined as “someone or something physically identical to me ( or any other conscious being) but lacking conscious experiences altogether.” (Chalmers,94) Zombie world is then defined as “a world physically identical to ours,but in which there are no conscious experiences at all. In such a world, everyone is a zombie.” (Chalmers, 94) In this idea, only “phenomenal zombies” are to be considered meaning zombies that are “physically and functionally identical ( as us) , but which lack experience” (Chalmers 95) There are five main arguments that stand behind this idea, the first two being ideas regarding conceivability, the second two arguments of epistemology and the fifth and argument of analysis.
There are many different ways to get ready for a disastrous occurrence. Geography would be important in a case like this. Like, in the case of a zombie apocalypse, Yuko Caras said that he would try to understand the characteristics of the zombies. It would be useful to see what they can and can't do. You would want to know how fast, or slow they move, where they were at first, so you can estimate where they will be in the future, and the amount of space they take up. You would also want to know where natural resources are, and get to those natural resources, but only if they don't have zombies. It would be of importance to know your coordinates. You would want to know what the climate of where you are, where you are headed, and everything in between. Additionally, something that you would want to know is where the major rivers are.You would want to know the states that are boardering the state that you are in. Something else that would be of importance would be to do research on not only the zombies, but your surroundings. You would want to know where you libraries are so that you
Daniel Drezner book addresses how the world would potentially react should the Zombie Apocalypse start while relating it to international relations. While discussing the anarchical nature of the world, in the realist argument, he addresses the fact that it is not likely that any one state would be able to gain complete control of the world. However, if the entire world is being overtaken by a zombie plague it is not outside the realm of possibility that survivors of various nations would come together and merge with whatever power still existed and divvy out more power to that group or individual. A good old fashioned military takeover would be just the thing to create an uneasy world-wide alliance with other militaristic organizations across the world against the zombie hordes. The military would easily be able to take charge in a global catastrophe of this nature relatively quickly and with little resistance from the common people. They are one of the most disciplined and structured organizations in regards to bureaucracy and other political organizations, and would not hesitate to change the protocols of war against an end-of-the-world type of threat such as a zombie takeover. Also, military tradition and codes of conduct cross borders with significantly more similarities than do political ideologies and governmental structures, which would result in there being a much easier and more unified alliance than could ever be achieved in any other global unification setting.
The terror of death typically consumes people, therefore, they must prepare for anything to happen. Not knowing what to expect can make it difficult to prepare for if the event has yet to happen. People planning to survive the zombie apocalypse must follow the process of gathering weapons, finding the items necessary to survive, and learning to use surrounding items to fight zombies.
There is no correct answer for surviving from the zombie apocalypse however zombie apocalypse could happen in the real world and if it is happened in real life, you need to survive until the government find a cure for the zombie apocalypse because there is nothing we can do to cure a zombie. These examples of the solution that I provided will guide you how should you react when the zombie apocalypse is starting. Thank you for reading my proposal, and I hope this research paper will help you to survive in the zombie
People who have already faced zombies might be better to fight with zombies using their own guns. If they did not have any guns, they could only run away. Since, there were already zombies, they cannot build some efficient fortifications. Also, they were able to hide beside some places where other people would not at. If I was there, I would be fight with other people.
A zombie apocalypse is most definitely not a very friendly world. It is hard to find friends who aren’t going to shoot you on sight, and if you do find somebody, a thorough body inspection is in for the both of you. So what should you do, if the situation ever arises? I will explain to you the Do’s and Do not’s of a zombie apocalypse.
Surviving the zombie apocalypse is exponentially less difficult than people think. You could survive the zombie without hurting a soul. You could steal everything and use harmful reasoning. Certain items needed survive are not as rare as you would think. Some sources think zombies are attracted by sounds. Others believe they can see and locate you by smell. Zombies may be decaying and have an unpleasant bloodlust, but surviving the zombie apocalypse is not so difficult. Rules are applied to make it easy are useful.
The topic of the undead coming back to life to feast on the living has been around since the first zombie movie White Zombies in 1932; however, just in the past few decades has the threat of a zombie apocalypse enter the realm of international politics. The threat of a zombie apocalypse is a very serious concern of the international communities. Many political scientists are not sure how the world leaders would be able to work together if this issue were ever to arise in the world today. In the book “Theories of International Politics and Zombies”, Drezner uses the threat of a zombie apocalypse to show how the different theories of international politics would eliminate the threat; however, are the living dead a real international concern or are they just a brilliant metaphor for something much greater that could happen to the world.
In the possible occurrence of a zombie apocalypse, certain measures involving shelter, food, weapons, and fitness should be taken to better the chances of survival in such a desperate situation. Throughout the years, movies, television shows, and other miscellaneous hype have heightened a large number of people’s suspicion about the possibility of disease-ridden humans taking over the world. In reality, that atrocity is not exactly far-fetched. With so many vaccines and medicines being mass produced without the sufficient steps taken to test the results, the chance of humans contracting unimaginable side effects is a rational possibility. If
The gruesome zombie apocalypse had broken out three days ago, and everyone was in full panic mode as we tried to figure out what to do next.
Would we survive? If the zombie apocalypse was to occur right now, would I be able to survive with the people in my group? Would my whole group be able to survive? In my group, there are three people: Brianna, Makendra, and me.
In the modern world, media outlets and pop culture constantly revive the idea of zombies taking over human society. From The Walking Dead to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” zombies are portrayed as slow-moving living-dead creatures shown in mass amounts to create the idea of consumption. While this monster as it is depicted in movies and television shows is nonexistent, there are living zombies walking the surface every day. They hide in the shadows of town and often only wear the clothes on their back. They spend every day trying to survive with the little amount of money they can scavenge. Money to them acts as the cure to help them get the necessary resources they need. Many people in this nation and across the world are categorized as living under the poverty line. The spectrum of people ranges from homeless and sleeping on the streets to large families settling in garage-sized apartments. Even when taking out of consideration the similarities in physical appearance, zombies are an accurate representation of the major issue of poverty in today’s society due to the instant eeriness that the stereotypes of both subjects represent and the idea that the poor are unable to receive the necessary health treatments.
Survival and disaster preparation are relevant in the stories in the novel. Several interviews, especially those from the United States, focus on policy changes designed to train the surviving Americans to fight the zombies and rebuild the country. For example, when cities were made to be as efficient as possible in order to fight the zombies, the art of using real places and locations to describe these disasters, or when the ultra-rich hide in their homes, which had been turned into fortified compounds, they were overwhelmed by others trying to get in, leading to mass slaughter. Throughout the novel, characters demonstrate the physical and mental requirements needed to survive a disaster. There were so many disasters that can be related to the outrageous earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcano eruptions, etc. Zombie apocalypse can most likely be a reality through the spread a deadly virus. Brooks described the large amount of research needed to find optimal methods for fighting a worldwide zombie outbreak.
A valuable lesson you hope to pass on to the next late night pedestrian you and your new friends come across; Underestimating the potential for a zombie outbreak is a highly dangerous (and foolish) activity. Preparedness is something one can never have too much of when considering an epidemic of the walking dead. Some of the basics are: Assessing the potential for a zombie outbreak at any given time, knowing the four types of zombies and how to respond to each (an absolute must), and most importantly, you need to have a plan.