
Reagan's Inaugural Address

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With the 2016 election in full swing, millions of Americans have locked in their party of choice as November 8th approaches. The two candidates and the conversation surrounding them this year have never been more polarizing: Republican vs. Democrat, businessman against politician, man facing woman, and high-energy in contrast to calm and collected. Eventually, one will be chosen to hold the highest office in the country, and will give a speech, known as an inaugural address to talk about their intentions as president of the US. This essay will focus on two specific addresses, one from Ronald Reagan, and the other from Barack Obama. Even though inaugural addresses are somewhat far apart in the time each was given and who was presenting them, they are very similar in how they …show more content…

The presidents who give them promise to take action in their addresses, but do not get into the heart of the matter to ensure that their first day in the Oval Office is not greeted with hostility. As for how relevant each address is, Reagan’s is less so, because at the time people were less hostile a different set of ideas than today, and so he catered to that. There is also the fact that some problems had a different name and a different particular way of tackling the issue. Obama’s speech is more relevant because it was written for a crowd that is still active in politics today, and it addresses issues that still exist in its same form. In a political climate like this, it is important to see beyond the facade of fluff and filibuster, and dig deep to understand what the candidate in question really wants for the country. If we continually base our decisions off of quick soundbites and feel-good rhetoric, then we as a people will become more out of touch with the people meant to represent our

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