
Reading Reflection

Better Essays

From taking Critical Thinking and Reading, I have learned more from this class in fifteen weeks than I ever have in the past thirteen years. I’ve read articles and novels that have broadened my horizon about how things are different than what someone may be used to. I learned how life experiences can shape your future and the choices you make. Not only did I learn things through the books and articles we have read, but also from my professor and his own life experiences that he was brave enough to share with the class. I have never had a teacher who wanted to share knowledge as much as O’Hara does, and for that I am extremely grateful that I was able to learn so much from someone who cares so much about his job and his students. I am …show more content…

I had known about other cultures, most commonly Asian ones, eating dog, but I had never really understood why. Growing up in a country where dogs are solely our friends and would never be considered as a meal, I was not able to figure out why anyone would want to eat them, but now I realize that some places around the world are not as privileged as countries like the United States and because of that, dog is the some of the best meat they can get. If a country like Nigeria can only really get access to dog as their main, or one of their main, source(s) of protein, then to Nigerians, eating dogs is not considered “weird” or “disgusting,” but normal. We, in the United States, do not need to be concerned about eating our pets because of how privileged we are. The privilege I have because of where I live is something I never really thought about. Now that I have a different interpretation of information, I have learned that just because I am not used to something, that does not mean it is weird, just that it is not what I am familiar with. Mike Fillon’s article, “The Real Face of Jesus” is another article that was very substantial for me. Growing up Catholic, I had the assumption that Jesus was a tall, muscular, white man. Realistically, he was a short, dark-skinned man. This paradigm was painted into my mind because

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