
Rational Choice Research Paper

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My opinion about the cause of criminal behavior is the rational choice. Majority of the movies that we watched in home and class defined as rational choice because the characters take the option to make the crime or continued with their life. In the movies, the characters realize a plan when no necessarily are experts to planning a crime, but with the time they learned how to do better plans and obtain better results. The rational choice characterize to benefit self by get money or power, most of the time they want to be rich and take chose that affect them and people that is around them. Also the rational choice made the character decided if they realize the crime or not; nobody takes advantage to the character who cannot commit a crime, the character is left dazzled by so simple and quick way to gain power or money. …show more content…

However, they do not realize the seriousness of the matter until they discover and see their lives change, as they are accustomed too, this way we realize that crime is rational choice to comment because they make the decision. The crime was realized it, and continues hidden the body, both characters act like if no mad nothing. Another example is the Brick movie, the character searches for clues to find the person he loves. However, he uses a band of gangster to discover what realized the woman he loved; this also makes the intension that they make mistakes between them and everyone pay for what happened to the woman. In this example the character acts in a heroic way because it destroys the mafia existed, but this does not detaches to take justice into their own hands, manipulating all around him and asserting the connections he had in school. Thus, the character performs crime and took revenge on his love, so the character stopped being

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