
Epsy 142 - 1

Better Essays

EPSY142 Assignment

Assignment 1

Part 1

Word Count 1706 excluding titles, references and reference list.

1. To understand why our behaviour differs and is not identical to those around us we must look to our own individual identity. Identity and Discourse are reference points for the explanation of why we behave in differing ways. Our identity is sculpted by what we come in to contact with and how things influence us, whether it be another person, a community or an idea. As described by McDonald (2005) an increase in knowledge of the behaviours of the things around us such as the community allows us to better adapt, respond and predict responses to behaviours of others. We also learn to mould our own behaviour to …show more content…

This is in contrast to writing down large amounts of data or listening to a lecture where either repetitive reading of material or frequent note taking was required.

Learning as observable has been beneficial to my learning and makes sense as it provides measurability to learning. Setting SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and track-able) goals, positive milestone rewards and having negative consequences for failing to meet a required standard provides motivational incentives for learners. The incremental goals provide both teachers and learners with a visual record relative to other learners or expected levels. This is crucial to my learning as I am competitive and enjoy having targets as well as other people to compare with to motivate me.

3. An example of criminal behaviour I have witnessed is when I arrested an offender for shoplifting. The offender is a prolific shoplifter who is a recidivist offender in petty crime and known to associate with a youth gang. When I asked the offender what his occupation was, initially he said “nothing”, then after a pause said “a criminal”.

As suggested by Helfgott (2008) there are many behavioural theories that have been pondered over as to why people commit crime however no single theory gives us the solution.

For the above example Burgess and Alker’s (1966) theory of Differential

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