
Rash Decisions In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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While some may believe that teeenagers don’t make rash decisions, this isn’t accurate. Teenagers all over the world are known for making rash decisions. This very reason is why the relationship between Romeo and Juliet didn’t work out. When teenagers are put under pressure they make rash decisions. This is because the teen brain is still developing and they don’t fully understand the consequences of their choices. This is why arranged marriages aren’t successful between teenagers. Teenagers are just going to do what they want anyway. This is due to a chemical imbalance called dopamine in the brain. This imbalance in the brain occurs in teenagers and some young adults while their brain is still developing. This imbalance makes you feel like you are making correct decisions but your not. Studies have shown that this imbalance highly effects teenagers and their decision making skills. “Teenage brains are highly sensitive to a release of dopamine which plays on the areas of the brain, including decision making.” (Mcmahon Tamsin) …show more content…

In Romeo and Juliet when things don’t go their way Romeo and Juliet make rash and unwarranted decisions causing unfortunate events to happen. “The solution is not to eliminate risk taking, rather it is to facilitate good risk taking.” (The Science Of Decision Making and Peer Pressure) The hormone THP causes a calming effect on adults but on teens causes the opposite effect. Since this can cause a stress effect on teenagers while they are still developing, it can lead to rash decisions and make teenagers take unnecessary risks. “It’s one reason why teens are prone to anxiety” (Mcmahon Tamsin) All of these factors account to why teenage decision making is very erratic because their brain has not fully developed

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