
Rape And Sexual Assault On College Campuses

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Rape and Sexual Assault

Rape is an age-old crime that society has just begun to understand the consequences of. In order to thoroughly understand rape, it has to be defined. However, this can be difficult to achieve because throughout history the definition and policies to prevent rape have constantly changed and varied across culture and generations. According to Dr. Mallicoat, professor at California State University, rape can be defined as “sexual intercourse under force, threat of force, or without the legal consent of the individual. (Mallicoat, 2015)” It’s unfortunate to note that most states consider an incident rape only if it includes penile-vaginal penetration. Rape is considered a more serious crime than sexual assault, which is an umbrella term for all other unwanted sexual activity besides rape (Mallicoat, 2015). Despite having these solid definitions, it’s still not clearly understood what actions and policies need to be put in place to prevent it. This problem is especially prevalent on college campuses. …show more content…

This is an extreme problem that campuses should be fighting to change. The attitudes of the students are most likely the hardest change that needs to be made. Research done by Kristen N. Jozkowski, a professor at the University of Arkansas, reveals that many people believe silence means yes. On the other hand, women who come right out and say they want sex can be viewed as sluts, and many believe that it is the man’s job to initiate sex (Wilson, 2015). Drugs and alcohol can further this sexual ambiguity, leaving both partners unclear of each other’s

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