
Ram Carp Program

Decent Essays

Why are you interested in the RAM CAMP Program and how will this help you enhance your leadership experience?
I am interested in Ram Camp because I am motivated to improve my leadership skills. Before starting my fall semester at VCU, I will have participated in TRIO’S 1- week program as well as The Summer Scholars 6-week program. While I will know VCU campus very well, I feel that participating in Ram Camp will help test my skills in help guiding others in need. Ram Camp is also a great way to make new friends as well as experience college life at VCU. I also can’t wait for the competitive activities.
Describe a time where you faced a stressful situation or challenge and discuss what skills you utilized to grow.
A stressful situation i faced once involved a group project. The project required each member to present a certain part of our presentation. The whole week and a half, we as group went about procrastinating about our presentation. A day before we were supposed to present, two of my group members decided they were going to skip school the next day to finish their part. The project was a test grade and was one of the two test grades we had the …show more content…

Diversity is the ability to bring together different styles of uniqueness to cultivate many options of abilities. Diversity can involve race, abilities, skills, knowledge or strengths. In order to create diversified world, individuals must be willing to be open minded to others views, ideas, and beliefs.

How do you want to get involved and contribute to VCU and the Richmond community?
I want to get involve at VCU though volunteer opportunities, student government, leadership positions and being an example for others. VCU has so many opportunities to do just that. I hope to make my mark on VCU by branching out to many different areas to learn and contributes to their needs as a group but also those in community that depend on these

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