Raising the speed limit has been a big controversy for a long time. “A study conducted by the National Motorist Association raised and lowered speed limits in several areas”(Garfield). This study found that accidents in the areas where they raised the speed limit did not increase. The National Motorist Association also found that in the areas they raised the speed limit, it is safer because the difference in speeds between drivers is shortened. This decrease in speed difference is a lot safer because most drivers drive over the speed limit. However, there are people that drive at or under the speed limit, so this difference can be very dangerous for all drivers. Raising the speed limit would decrease the speed difference between drivers, and
Three teenagers were involved in a fatal crash on Highway 140 early Friday morning, after allegedly being served alcohol at a club near Keno.
Michigan state Senator Rick Jones, a republican from Grand ledge, the sponsor of 943 bills, and a former employee of law enforcement is reaching to accommodate Michigan's speed limit. That could mean a 75-80 mph speed limit on certain parts of the freeway, or even the adjustment of 55 mph on curves, and crowded areas with constrained visibility. His reasoning behind this proposal is his belief that some communities are setting low speed limits on roads to increase ticket dividend. His plan for this action is to leave the calculations for a better flowing freeway system to the Michigan State Police. Their method would include using traffic data to find the speed that 85 percent of michigan's drivers already use. Examples of the expanse that these changes could be present in are perhaps along with US 131 near
I was pulled over by a police officer because I was going faster than I was supposed to in that designated area. The zone was a sixty-five mile per hour zone and I was do eighty. I have agreed to the terms that I was found guilty of this and now come to you the reader explaining why it may be dangerous to be speeding in certain areas and ultimately everywhere. During this experience I have learned that there are many consequences for not driving safe, because there is never a good reason to speed. I have learned that it is extremely dangerous to speed and that there will be consequences, even if they are minor like, obtaining a ticket, and occasionally they are major, like killing running into someone else. It does not matter what happens after, you should not be speeding ever because there is never a good
I got a speeding ticket because I was going 65 in a 40 and my friend was with me and it was open road I knew I shouldn't do it but I felt like I wanted the adrenaline rush. The one time I do speed I get pulled over on wadsworth by the king soopers union bank and the gas station on the corner were wadsworth meets florida. When the cop car pulled over it was an older gentlemen and he asked me for license and registration please like they always do which I then gave to him and he asked me if I knew why I was pulled over and I said because I was speeding I am not going to lie to him.
Everybody goes over the speed limit and ends up getting pulled over why not just increase the speed limit from 40 to 50 so people don’t get pulled over. The speed limit today is to slow for people that have to get somewhere fast when they're late or just don’t want to take forever to get to one place. I hear people complain all the time because they get speeding tickets they wouldn’t get speeding tickets if the speed limit was changed.
Rather you agree or disagree with having a speed limit; or even obeying the speed limit. It is our morally duty to accept the fact that lawmakers created speed limits in the citizens’ best interest to protect drivers for minor and fatal car accidents. Some citizens still question, if in fact the government claims to set speed limits are really for the public well-being, or simply to make a quick profit. Of course, one thing we can
Breaking gender barriers could bring a positive change to society because as a result, every person in this world could have equal opportunities to join clubs and organization and bring an impact to people life. Many college organizations are dealing with critical problems, where clubs could help to decrease the chance of students being murder or to having a sexual assault. In Speed Club, several arguments were made, whether allowing females to enter a male organization that for years has gave resources to only males or not given them opportunity to enter the club. In fact, people could ask themselves why females are not allowed to enter this club. What qualities does a male has that a female do not? The answer to this question could easily
First of all, have you ever noticed that if you travel on Interstate 45 or on Interstate 20 for a long enough distance that there is always construction dealing with the resurfacing or complete revamping of the roadway. Have you ever wondered why they are working on the road or thought that it was just another government scam to cost the taxpayers more money? The common thought asserted here is that higher speeds create more wear and tear on the roadways. Another factor of speeding is damage inflicted on cars while drivers are driving fast. This side asserts that the faster the car runs, the harder the engine works; the harder the engine, works the more wear the car takes. This may have been true with automobiles made several years ago, but the cars and trucks manufactured today are quality automobiles. They are tested very rigorously in order to withstand wear and tear. Second, the government would also like us to believe that driving high speeds causes more deaths than driving slowly. According to the Transportation Accident Commission, “Last year Victoria recorded its worst road toll in a decade, with speed being the main cause of fatalities (36%) and serious injury (33%).” (Transport Accident Commission) This group is asserting that a person speeding is more likely to cause death than a person not speeding. According to P.E. Spitz:
There are so many reasons that speed limits are important. The safety of those who are driving, and those who are not is first and foremost. Having a speed limit to me, is close to the same as having laws against drunk driving. I for one, do not see an argument against having a speed limit. Its nonsense to think that one would want to be on a road, where there is no limit to how fast one can drive.
One way they can do this is by making someone, for example, a police officer, drive without a speedometer to see what they feel like is a good speed to drive there. Sometimes the speed your going doesn’t match how it feels while you are driving. Also, there’s not going to be an exaggeration with the speeds. I’m not saying raise the speeds to 50 on the streets and 90 on the freeway, no. School zones will stay the same for elementary schools, but for middle schools and high schools, it should change. The ones that need changing the most are the freeway speed limits and the streets speed limits. It is about time that the judicial bodies or the police officers change the speed limits.
The big debate as to whether the legal driving age should be raised to eighteen is an ongoing issue. There are both arguments for and against this matter. Younger drivers, as well as old ones, can cause many life-threatening accidents; therefore, raising the minimum driving age could significantly reduce the number of accidents. The accident rates can be lowered considerably if the legal driving age is bumped up to eighteen. This would mean that no more kids could get hurt or worse, killed in a car accident.
So as a responsible law abiding licensed driver I must say yes we need to raise the driving age to 18 and lower the speed limit for all drivers to
First, I feel when driving with speed limitations make it safer and responsible for drivers. Without these limitations, it can put people at risk of car crashes. Car crashes occur every day, so imagine if there were no speed limits at all how many crashes would occur. No one will know how fast or how slow to go for the person ahead or behind
Back in 1983, the economy saved 2.5 billon gallons of gasoline and diesel (Alter).As the gas prices hovering at three dollars a gallon,a lot of people say they’re making big sacrifices so they can afford to fill their gas tanks. They’re cutting back on travel, curtailing shopping expeditions and going out less often(www.sfgate.com). Also, when the 55 mph speed limit is restored gas prices will decrease. For example, the 55 mph speed limit reduced gasoline consumption by about 167,000 barrels a day (Selingo). Furthermore, when having a gasoline shortage it decreases our dependence on foreign oil. In 1974, to an oil shortage caused by the Arab oil embargo, congress set the national speed limit at 55 mph. Warner provided statistics that showed while fuel consumption was lowered, lives were saved. At lower speeds, the Energy Department, expects cars to operate at optimum efficiency. Moreover, drivers could see fuel levels upheld and prices at the pump reduced (Editorial Board).Also, Lower speed limits takes more travel time which cost money. If your car car gets 30 MPG at 55MPH and 25 MPG at 65MPH then you’d save about 3.33 gallons of gasoline. The CNN article cited study said 55 MPH would save 2% in national gas usage( www.freeby50.com). By just slowing down from 65 MPH to 55 MPH can increase your miles per gallon by much as 15 percent. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 miles is like paying an additional $0.21 per gallon for gas( www.consumer energy
We already have speed limits, a requirement for the use of a turn signal, and by Florida law the far left lane should only be utilized for overtaking(Fl DOT, 2017). From their the enforcement would become strict and the speed limits of roads, that were determined to be safe, could increase or be unrestricted.