
Rainsford Alternate Ending

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“We can’t stay locked up forever,” said Eckels, “We aren’t rabbits.” “ I find it humorous you think we have a choice.” Rainsford said. “We have no one to turn to, no one to contact but each other. We are known as criminals across the globe and no one cares to hear what we have to say about the matter.” “Maybe,” Eckels said, “maybe the public will be more open to what we have to say.” “ My dear fellow, five years is not very long. Our issues are still fresh on mind of the public,” said Rainsford. “ It would not take long for us to be recognized.” “ I am afraid you are right. I was merely-” Eckels said. “Hush up, Eckels!” Rainsford said, “Someone is in our dump.” “They’re getting closer!” Eckels said. “Shut up!” Rainsford said. “Who are you?” said a voice. “Stay still,” said …show more content…

“There must be another way. Please Rainsford, do not make rash decisions.” said Eckels. “We agreed that if our identities were ever endangered and we were questioned, this is what we would need to do.” said Rainsford. “It’s loaded and in my waistband.” “What are you fools whispering about? I will report you if I do not get an answer!” said Whitney. “We have no choice. He can not know. Do what you must.” said Eckels. “What are you doing! Put that gun down! I was a fool, a mad, mad fool. I should have left you for dead, Rainsford. How could you, how could y-” Whitney said. “It is finished.” said Eckels. “I’m sorry old friend, your time had come anyway.” said Rainsford, “I’m sorry it had to end this way. I truly am. We will see to it that you have a proper funeral.” “It’s all right, Rainsford. You needn’t cry any longer. You merely did what you needed to do.” “I just killed a man. What kind of creature am I? I wish I could have stopped him some other way.” said Rainsford. “I am, of course, very sorry that that was the only way to keep control of our situation, but such is life. He was a good man, but even those kinds of men must die.” said

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