
Raiden: A Short Story

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Forty minutes passed and all of his shadow clones reported back, all of them giving him a sad smile saying they couldn't find Raiden anywhere before disappearing. He left the Senju compound, and headed to the Hokage's office, perhaps the old man knew where Raiden was.

He walked through the Hokage tower with relative ease, not many paid much attention to him or asked him what he was going since they knew he liked to stop by and talk to the Hokage on occasion. "Jijii, have you seen Raiden?" He asked as he stepped through the door.

Sarutobi dropped his pen, pushing his paperwork away in favor of greeting the blonde teen with a soft smile. He gestured at the blonde to sit down, "Raiden you say? Shouldn't be at the hospital resting?"

Naruto shook …show more content…

Unlike the first set Raiden gave him, these wooden shuriken were made from black wood instead of the light brown ones Raiden made before. Naruto noticed the wood felt different as well; the wood was harder and more durable the previous set, not to mention sharper too. Setting his new shuriken set aside, he sorted through a brand new standard Genin weapon kit containing everything a Genin might need: kunai, shurikens, smoke bombs, explosive tags, senbon needles, spikes, and other miscellaneous tags which could be useful. He's want to buy one, but hasn't the money to buy them, he's been saving his money for Raiden's …show more content…

He knew his emerald eyed friend was rich, among one of the riches families in Konoha, but Raiden didn't used the Senju money to buy things. Raiden almost never touched his family bank account if he didn't have too or it was used only invest on other business in Hi no Kuni, he used to work with Fugaku considering he was underage to invest and whatnot, but that didn't stop him.

Fugaku took Raiden's money and invested it into business that caught Raiden's eye, and took 10% of profit Raiden made from his investments. It was a win-win situation that benefited both of them, plus it certainly help that whatever Raiden invested on it almost always tripled their money, the elder Uchiha had to admit the boy was damn lucky. All of their money they made was set up in a bank where they later split up their earnings, but considering that Fugaku is now dead, everything now belongs Raiden's.

Apart from his investments, Raiden sold his fruits and vegetables he grew himself to different restaurants around Hi no Kuni. His crops have become quite famous after he began selling them in the village and spark an eye of Fumiko Aizen, a high class restaurant owner who was looking for a new supplier to supply him fruits and vegetables for his restaurant. The man become enamored with what Raiden grew and they worked out a fair

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