
Racism And Stereotypes In My Utopian Society

Decent Essays

How does one describe a Utopia? Perhaps the world is as good as it gets to someone while to someone else it is the worst place possible or it could be as simple as ending world hunger, or ceasing war in all countries. Furthermore, people take a utopian society in different ways with how they see the world through their eyes. In my utopian society, people would be kind and genuinely generous to everyone with equality, the government would be balanced throughout the opinions of the people, and the weather would be like fall with a mix of summer.

In a typical world, people judge and mistreat and the majority rule of opinions is based upon social media matters. However, in my utopian society, people would genuinely respect and receive others with generosity. Racism and stereotypes would not even exist due to the equality everyone would grow up with. Based upon the mindset we have now, our social system would also be brought up on how we can develop our world for the better. For example, People would increasingly be encouraged to volunteer in places in need of help, and environmental help such as planting trees would be advocated to be done at least once a week throughout the world. …show more content…

In todays world, people have separated governments into democracies, monarchies, republic nations etc. and all these different views which only proclaim the differences which could unite us all. Money, in particular, influences how our government works, so what the utopian society would do is distribute even wealth to those who worked so that those who did not would compel their need to. Consequently, in my Utopia, government would not be led by certain individuals, it would be spread throughout varieties of views so that an outlook of how our world can be perceived could be

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